•° Chapter eight °•

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Finally getting out of the lockerroom I was attacked by Angie, "I told you we'd win!" She says whilst jumping onto me and hugging me, I shake my head with a smile, "Only because Harry is good, you guys actually sucked." I say with a chuckle, Fred and George join us and both pat me on the back.

"Well done Trace!" Says Fred with a grin, "Yeah, just too bloody bad our Seeker is better!" Says George bumping fists with Fred and Angie, they all laugh loudly. "Yeah, what was Malfoy even doing?! You had to tell him where the Snitch was!"

I nod at Angie's comment, "Did you know that he blamed me?! He blamed me for 'distracting' him, so he couldn't reach the Snitch on time. Pure bullshit to be honest, Adrian had to step in, which I'm very thankful for!"

We walk down towards our favourite spot at the black lake, "By the way, Fred, did you really shoot a Bludger at my head?!" He starts laughing, "It was George's idea really, thought it was bloody brilliant, so yeah I did shoot a bludger at your head."

I bump my shoulder against him roughly, "You bloody idiot, I could've gotten hurt!" I say with a dissatisfied glare, "Well, you're alright. I knew you'd dodge it though. You were on fire." he says with a smirk, "I don't know whether I should be thanking you or just hitting you.

He laughs shortly, "I'd say thank me." He says squinting his eyes closely, I didn't even notice how close he'd gotten to me before Angie coughed softly making us suddenly realize how close we were.

"Anyways, we'll beat Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and I'm telling you, we'll win the house cup." I state confidently, making the three Gryffindors scoff. "Like hell!"


"Tracy!" I hear someone say, I look around to see a little girl in a snake costume running towards us. "Hi Luna!" I say before standing up to go and hug her. I hear some 'awwhs' from Angie.

"You were amazing out there! You went so fast it was really amazing! Did you see the nargles sitting on your broom by the way?" I chuckle before I ruffle through her hair, "I see you got your Slytherin pride on."

She twirls to show me her outfit, "I got some weird looks from everyone in Ravenclaw, but I wanted to cheer my very awesome sister on!" She hugs me again and I smile against her soft blonde hair. "Do you wanna go eat some dinner?" She asks with a hopeful smile, I smile back to her.

"Let's go show Slytherin their biggest supporter!"

As we walk into the great hall together I can hear a lot of laughter and murmuring, but I really don't care. Luna was adorable.

Selena and Adrian chuckle when Luna and I sit down, "You guys were amazing!" She states quickly, her cheeks turning a slight tint of red (she's got a little crush on Adrian). "Thank you so much Luna!" He says, causing her to go even redder. Selena mumbles a quick Thank you before stuffing more mashed potatoes into her mouth.

"Wow, you guys have carrots here?! We never have carrots at the Ravenclaw table, it's always sweet peppers.." She says with distaste written on her face, we all chuckle at her expression. "Well you're always welcome to eat our carrots."

The spark that glistened in Luna's eyes never left when she was seated at the Slytherin table, it was always visible.


"Your sister is adorable!" Says Adrian with a squeal as we walk down towards the common room, "Well, you do know she has a crush on you right?" I say to him, as soon as he registers what I said he stops in his tracks.

"An eleven year old has a crush on me?" He says slowly, his eyes widen. "I don't know whether to feel honoured or freaked out."

Selena giggles softly, "I think she has her best intentions, until the stalking starts of course, then you should run."

"Guys! It's my little sister okay, be kind!"

As we continue walking down to the common room we come across a prefect, "the password has changed guys, it's now Pureblood."

As he walks away I shiver, "First the chamber of secrets, now this.." Says Selena softly, we both glance at her. "I can't believe it.. It's horrible really." Says Adrian, shaking his head. "Well now we know for sure that every time we enter the common room we'll feel like the bastard Malfoy."

We walk in silence until we reach the entrance of the common room.

"Ugh, I don't even want to say it." I say when we're standing in front of the damp stone wall, "Well, one of us has to." Says Selena looking at me, "Pureblood." Says Adrian with a distasteful sound. "I swear to merlin, I'll kill the prefect who thought of this."

As we sit down in front of the fireplace Adrian sighs loudly, "So what shall we do tonight? I'm thinking chess, or we could go and take a swim?" Or eyebrows quirk up at the mention of swimming.

"And where the hell do you think you can go swimming it's November!" Says Selena with a smirk, "Well, you'll just have to trust me on that. Meet me here in half an hour with your bathing suits underneath your robes. Oh and bring a towel."

He jumps up and goes up the stairs to the boys dormitories. Selena and I give each other a look. "I don't know where that boy gets his ideas from recently." I say shaking my head.

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