•° Chapter four °•

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It was a normal day in February, I was in Transfiguration class and enjoying all of the difficult notes Professor McGonagall was giving us.

However I did not expect Professor Snape to come into the class, calling out my name. As I looked at him and replied with a "Yes Professor?" He simply said, "You've been called to the Head-masters office."

I immediately knew something was wrong at home, I mean, I behaved like the perfect student at school, there was no reason I would be called upon the Head-master if something hadn't happened at home.

As I packed my Transfiguration books into my bag Professor Snape coldly said, "Miss Hilver will bring your stuff to your dorm, hurry up now." Selena gives me a small smile, which I return, but I quickly walk out of the classroom following professor Snape.

My mind was screaming, I wanted to know what was wrong however as I reached Dumbledore's office no one told me what was wrong. The man simply stood in front of me with a worried frown, but his smile was kind and sincere.

"Now, Miss Lovegood, use the floo network to get home. Your father is expecting you." He says guiding me towards the fireplace, "What's wrong Professor?" I say quietly.

"My dearest Tracy, it is not my place to tell you this, your father will tell you more." He says giving me a comforting pat on the back. "Now remember Miss Lovegood, stay strong."

I grab a hand of floo powder and walk towards the beautiful stone fireplace. I yell out our address quickly, I want my answers.

After a lot of ash and coughing I arrived home. I felt everything in me screaming at me to go back. It was too quiet in the house, Luna wasn't yelling up and down about some imagination thing and my mom wasn't laughing about my dad's outfit.

I stumble out of our fireplace, and straighten my robes before walking further into the house.

"Dad?" I said softly, I walked up to the yellow painted kitchen to find it absolutely deserted. "Mom?" I say even softer, I look around the living room. "Anyone?" My eyes start tearing up, something was very wrong.

"Tracy-" I hear Luna say softly, her head peeks around the corner of moms recreation room door, she then runs over to me and hugs me. "Luna, what's wrong?" I say quietly, her blue eyes are red and swollen from crying, and she's abnormally silent.

"I was watching her experimenting.. And everything, everything went wrong.. Mommy is in there with Daddy.." Her lip begins to quiver and walks towards her to embrace her tightly, was she saying that mom was hurt?

But I surely couldn't have been called home just because mom was hurt....right?

I let go of Luna and walk towards mom's recreation room I can feel the pain it takes for me to take the steps. The fear dreading just around the corner.

I open up the door and it creaks slightly, my dad's head shoots up. "Tracy." He says, like he wants to keep me right where I am. "Dad what's wro-" I start, but then I notice something behind him, my mom placed on the table. Entirely covered in colourful scarfs, but what scared me was that she wasn't moving.

At all.

I didn't even notice that I fell down on my knees. I didn't even notice that I had starting sobbing uncontrollably and hyperventilating harshly. I didn't notice how Luna and my dad had put their arms around me in a protective manner.

The one thing I did notice was my mom. I noticed she wasn't breathing. I noticed that her eyes were closed and her lips were formed into a smile.

I just couldn't believe it.

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