•° Chapter two °•

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"Y'know I'm still surprised you ended up in Slytherin, thought you'd maybe be a Hufflepuff actually." Says George whilst plopping down next to me in the library. I'm sitting in a window seat reading some books about potions, "Well hello to you too, George."

He sits down next to me, a hint of a smile visible on his face. The Gryffindor crest on his robes was very visible and I couldn't help but look at it for a while. After a few seconds I come to the conclusion, Slytherin's crest is much better. Slytherin all together is much better actually.

"Hi Trace." "It's Tracy." I say with a stern glare, "And there's the reason you're in Slytherin, the angry glares." I roll my eyes at him, focusing my eyes back to the book and re-reading the page for the fourth time.

"Merlin's bloody beard, I've read the same page for the fourth time already!" George chuckles, "Guess someone gets distracted by me." He says wiggling his eyebrows. "Don't get your hopes up, Georgie darling. Besides where's your reflection? I hardly ever see you without him."

He chuckles shortly, "Freddie is trying to find a book about pranks somewhere in the library so he'll join us soon." "It's the second week of school and you guys are already planning pranks?" George nods fiercely, "Our birthday is on the first of April Trace, we're born pranksters."

Then Fred comes walking up to us with a grin on his face, "Ready Fred?" Says George, Fred holds up a book, 'Pranks for beginners' "Ready George." "Well farewell my dearest Trace, if I don't return you'll probably find my body in Filch's office, send all my love to my mother! And my book collection will go to you." Says George whilst making a curtsy, I shake my head and stifle a laugh.

As they take off Fred waves at me with a silly grin plastered on his face, I chuckle at the look of it. They're such idiots.

After a while Angie joins me in reading my book, "I swear, all you do is study." She says shaking her head, I sigh as I close my book. "Well, I do come from a family of mostly Ravenclaws. And I just wanna keep up to be honest." I say with a sigh, she shakes her head.

"But there's so much to do here! We could go outside and play Quidditch, or we could go to the Forbidden forest." She says giving me a smirk, "We're first years Angie, we're not even allowed to have a broom! Let alone play Quidditch. And as for the forbidden forest I'm not going in there even if my life was at stake!"

"Awh but the forbidden forest looks like so much fun! We could go and find unicorns!" She says with a happy smile, "I hope we'd get to see some centaurs actually!" "Oh yes! And let's dance with werewolves!" I say, sarcasm dripping off of my tongue.

Angie gives me a look, "It's not a full moon, so there won't be any werewolves." "My point is that it's dangerous Angie! I'd rather be safe in here, go ask Charlie to show you around if you wanna go so badly."

"Guys!" I hear Selena whisper/yell, earning herself a 'sshhh' from Ms Pince. She apologizes quickly before rushing over to us. "Dinner is ready guys! My favourite part of the day has finally arrived!"

As we get dragged down to dinner by Selena we discuss the basic things, and with basic I mean boys. "But I mean have you seen Adrian Pucey?!" Says Selena with a giggle, I nod at her words. He's probably the cutest boy at school, well after Charlie of course.

"I bet ya Tracy still has her hopes up on a certain Weasley." Says Angie with a sly smirk, "Shut up." I mutter, my cheeks becoming a little bit red. "Which one of the twins is it?" Says Selena, unaware of who we really mean. "I meant Charlie!" says Angie loudly, I nudge her side as she giggles.

Then it only gets worse as Charlie is walking towards us as we speak, Angelina shoots me a look and I snort loudly.

"He's looking at you Tracy!" Says Selena with a giggle, "Guys! This is so embarrassing!" When Charlie passes me he winks in the progress. All the blood in my face flushes towards my head and I'm as red as I can possibly be.

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