•° Chapter three °•

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When I say I don't like Christmas people usually look at me like I'm crazy, but the point is: I've never had a Christmas I enjoy. My family is a little bit weird, my mom is a little bit alright. But my little sister and my 'father' are so messed up.

She takes after him a lot, and to be honest I don't even know if that's a good thing. He's teaching her about all of these invisible things and it's just insane.

I mean she's only eight and she keeps rambling on about nargles, and it's annoying the hell out of me.

She could do something wrong, like spilling a hot mug of tea all over my lap and she'd blame it on nargles. Worst part is, she can get away with it!

She's a little bugger and I'm dreading the day she'll come to Hogwarts!

This Christmas wasn't promising to be a good one when I walked in my room to see Luna with her mouth full of my chocolate frogs. Her big blue eyes looked up at me filled with innocence.


As soon as my mother appears in the doorway Luna immediately opens up her mouth and a gooey mix between chocolate and salvia drops to the floor.

I'm completely bewildered and grossed out for a minute, until I realise,


The once flowery rug was now covered in brown spots. She immediately closes her mouth, "Luna, to your room." Says my mom, shoving her out of my room quickly.

"Darling, I'm so sorry for your rug. But with just a little bit of magic-" "Never mind, I'm getting too old for a flower rug anyways." I say, dropping to my knees to roll it up. I curse Luna's name under my breath quietly.

As I'm doing so my mom speaks up softly, "What do you want for Christmas?" I shrug my shoulders as I lift up the rolled up rug. "I don't know, maybe some potion books, I really like potions. I'd like some Slytherin stuff as well."

I put the rug against the wall, knowing my mom will levitate it outside. I wish I was allowed to do magic outside of school, I'd hex Luna's little ass.

She smiles at me, "You're like me somehow, well at least on the potions part." I chuckle softly, "My outside may be like my dad, but there's a lot of you inside of me mom." She walks over to me to hug her, "I love you Tracy doll." Her nickname makes me roll my eyes, "I love you too mom."


As Christmas morning arrived I got out of bed with a groan, slipped my feet into my slippers, put on my warm Slytherin jumper and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. I then picked up the smell of cinnamon buns and my eyes widened.

"Mom, did you make-" "CINNAMON BUNS!" She squeals, placing a plate full of warm cinnamon buns on the table, my mouth starts to water just by the look of it. My mom always made the best cinnamon buns, that was one of the best things about being at home.

I sit down eagerly and already have two buns on my plate when my mom slaps my hand lightly, I whine softly. "Let's wait for the others." She says with a stern look, "But they're still hot now!"

"I thought we could have a family breakfast first and then open up the presents!" My dad walks in kissing my mom on the cheek, "Morning love." She smiles up at him lovingly. "Where's my little birdy?" He says with a shine in his eyes, I roll my eyes, always wondering where that little blonde rat is and of course it's too much trouble to say. "Good morning Tracy, let's eat those darned cinnamon buns!"

"Oh you mean the little rat who ate all of my chocolate?" I reply blunty, I flash my parents an innocent smile.

"Yes, yes that's the one, but be kind Tracy she's still your little sister." He says giving me a stern look, I roll my eyes. "Half-sister.." I mutter softly, my mom gives me a warning look. Whereas my dad was too busy carrying Luna to the table to even notice my annoyance.

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