•° Chapter nine °•

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"You found the room of requirements?!" Says Selena with a squeal whilst I'm just standing there with my jaw dropped to the floor looking at the gorgeous pool in front of me.

"It has a swing."

That was all I said for the next few minutes. Selena and Adrian were already stripping down to their swimwear and making their way towards the pool.

"DIBS ON THE SWING!" I shout before stripping down to my swimwear as well and joining them in the bright blue water.

I swim towards the swing as quick as I possibly can, because when I looked to the side I could see Adrian racing towards it just as fast as me

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I swim towards the swing as quick as I possibly can, because when I looked to the side I could see Adrian racing towards it just as fast as me.

As I reach the swing I get pushed under water and resurface, gasping for air. "Adrian! You dick!" I say to him as I see him sitting on the swing.

He gives me a satisfied smirk, "Well go on, try and get me off of here Lovegood!" He says with confidence, almost too much confidence because whilst he was watching me he didn't see Selena behind him preparing to push him off.

She finally reaches him and pushes him into the water with a quick motion. We both erupt into laughter and I hastily jump onto the unsteady swing.

"You both, are very, very mean." Says Adrian coming up from the blue pool water, we both start laughing again at the look of his hair.

It's all plastered against his forehead and some water drops falling from the ends.

"What are you all on about?" He says with a mischievous grin. "Your hair!" Says Selena with a loud giggle, "You do know that I can very easily do the same thing to you right?" He states with a smirk growing and growing on his face.

Her smile falters as he swims up to her quickly, she tries to swim away but because of Adrians Quidditch muscles. (Not that Selena didn't have those)

Talking about muscles, I never really looked at it but Adrian has got some serious sixpack thingy going on down there. But he was like a brother to me, so I couldn't really stare at his body.

Selena on the other hand, flirted freely with him. Making me shake my head just at the look of it. But of course Adrian being the ignorant boy he is didn't notice a thing of it.

As he pushed Selena under the surface I couldn't help but laugh at her when she came up woth wide eyes and her hair stuck to her face.

"Adrian, am I seeing a very dry looking Tracy. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She says looking at me with a smirk, Adrian swims closer to me with the same smirk visible.

"Oh hell no!" I say, kicking some water towards him. But there's no backing down, he drags me off of the swing.


A week has passed since the swimming party and when Selena and I returned to the Common Room after extra Quidditch practice.

We saw Adrian sitting on the couch with his back to us, Selena walked to him. "Hey Adri-"

But that's when she noticed he wasn't alone, there was a random Slytherin girl next to him. Their lips attached to each other and in a loving embrace.

I was a bit shocked, since I didn't think he would do such a thing. But Selena was pissed, after all she was the one with hopes of getting together with him.

As we both stood there with our jaws dropped to the floor, Adrian looked up quickly and his eyes widenend at the sight of Selena.

"Selena-" He starts standing up from the couch, the girl just looks down at her feet out of shame. "Don't, Adrian." Selena says quickly before running up to our dorms.

"Well, that was the worst decision you could make." I say with my lips pressed into a thin line.

I quickly run up to our domitories opening the door as quick as I could to see Selena sitting on her bed clutching a pillow tightly to her body.

"I just can't believe Adrian would do such a thing!" Says Selena, planting her face into the pillow, an annoyed groan erupting from it . I walk over to her bed and sit down next to her, wrapping my arms around her.

"He's not worth your time Selena, plus there's plenty of boys in this castle!" I say as an attempt to cheer her up, she looks at me with a soft smile.

"You're absolutely right." She says, "It still sucks tho."

"Want me to make some Cinnamon buns?" I say with a raised brow, immediately her eyes start to get a happy shine in them.

I once made her some cinnamon buns, and she sort of joined me in ny cinnamon buns obsession.

"You mean, going to the kitchen and making them?" She says with a wide smile, I nod.

"My mom's recipe."

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