Chapter Twenty-Three

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“You joking me right? The trick I saw him with not too long ago? Girl you must be trippin” I laughed. I grabbed my notebooks out of my locker and slammed it shut.

“No lie girl.” Evelyn claimed. “I saw them by my hood.”

I rolled my eyes. “That could mean anything.”

“Necole you in denial.” Evelyn said rolling her eyes.

“Whatever girl, I’m going to class.”

I went over to the next building for my government class the only class I had that didn’t have Nathan in it. I sat in my seat next to the window and took out my stuff when I pulled my head back up the image threw me off.

“You can sit by Miss. Prince, Nathaniel.”  Nathan nodded and headed towards the desk beside me.

“You got to be kidding me.” I muttered under my breath. But Nathan wasn’t the only new student in my class. Alyssa Anderson lightly touched Nathan’s shoulder before slipping into the desk behind him. This was going to be one hell of a year.

“She’s in your class?” Mya asked with her brown eyes wide.

“Yup, ain’t it crazy?” I replied to her.

“Hey guys.” Jessica Walter walks up to the table. Jessica was the most cheerful person I ever meet. She has a bubbly personally, bright blue eyes and she is the president of the SGA, and she has everything going for her.”

“Hey Jess, what’s up?” I say looking up from my food.

“Are you guys interested in joining SGA?”

“I wish,” I sigh “We can’t join if we got suspended right?”

Jessica shook her head.

I groaned. “I hate that bitch.”

Jessica put her hand on my shoulder. “She tried to join too, but if makes you feel any better, I have fun turning her down.” She grinned before turning away to talk to another table.

Mya looked at me, “She’s on the dance team right?”

I shrugged. “She looks like she could be.”

“Well, look who decided to come to lunch.” Mya says looking pass me at Evelyn and Felicia.

“We had some business to take care of.” Felecia laughs looks at Evelyn.

“Yeah,” Evelyn coughed. “What did you say about your government class?”

I gave her a confused look. “I didn’t-”

There was a loud scream in the hallways; I bet you could hear it in the parking lot.

“Who the hell did this?” The voice shouted. Some people ran out to the hallways to see what had happened.

The voice carried on coming closer and closer. Soon you saw people being shoved from the doors of the cafeteria. It was Alyssa and her crew. Haven’t I seen enough of this girl in one day?

“Who. Touched. My.Stuff?” She asked the whole cafeteria.

“Who touched my shit? Who touched it?” She screamed. She was worse than me when it came to throwing an episode. She finally threw down her purse that was wrapped around her fist, as the bag hit the ground a red foreign liquid oozed out of the bag.

Evelyn and Felicia were going crazy, they were biting on their fist to hold their laughter. But that wasn’t enough to keep Alyssa from seeing them.

“You guys think this is funny?” She shouted across the room heading to our table.

“Oh please let it be someone else she’s talking to.”  I prayed.

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