Chapter Fourteen.

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“Welcome to the party!” Evelyn says opening her door. “You told Nathan that I stole you for the night right?”

“Yeah. He wasn’t too happy since it would be our first dance together, but he said he’ll steal me another day.” I stepped into her house for the second time this week.

“Oh well.” She shrugged. “So Elijah and Evan are getting our refreshments and shit, and Felicia can’t make it, she’s stuck at some family dinner or something.” She walks up the stairs to show me her room. “Very nice,” Her bed was moved over to give more room for the two sleeping bags right across from her TV, and the floor was covered with pillows. I put my stuff by the nearest sleeping bag.

“What movies you got?”

“Well I got-”

“And they better not be bootleg girl.” I crossed my arms.

She picked up her phone. “Evan! Pick up some movies for me? - Thanks bye.” She turned to me. “You know how it is.” I laughed. “They won’t take to long, hopefully.”

She sat on her sleeping bag. “Where’s your mom?” I asked her. “Girl, do I look like I know? She’s probably at some party or something.” “I love your mom.” “No girl, I love your mom.” I threw a pillow at her.

 “Evelyn!” We heard Evan from downstairs. “Can you help us with the stuff?”

“No!” She shouted back. “I need to keep my guest company!”

 She rolled her eyes.

Just as she said that Elijah appeared in the door way. “Then no food for you.” He smiled. “Hey Necole.” I waved. “So what’s the schedule for tonight?” Evans asks when her reaches upstairs. “Movies, food that type of stuff.” Evelyn says opening a lays bag.

“Come on, How boring is that.” Evan says.

“What about strip poker?” Elijah winked at me.

‘Hell no.” I say.

“Can we at least watch a movie first? Then we can discuss that.”  Evelyn says munching on more chips.

“What movie are we watching again?”

“Hangover 2.” She swallowed. “I didn’t get to see that one.”

Evan took the DVD so we could start the movie.

“Ok shut up so we can start.”

“Rude.” Evelyn mumbles.

As the movie started, my phone vibrated again, again and again.

Is someone calling me?

I took my phone out of my pocket to see Amare’s name in the screen. I ignored it. But that didn’t stop him. He called over three times before I walked outside the room to answer it.

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