Chapter Two.

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"You'll be working with Nathaniel, Miss. Prince"      

"Nathaniel?" I made up my face to the foreign name. Until I saw a tall brown-haired boy with shining blue eyes.      



"Necole?" Did this brotha just cut me off? “I figured much" he smiled.      

I cannot stay mad at a fine guy like this.      

"Look who I got partnered with." Felecia says pointing to her left. It was Noel her older cousin, who was a fine brotha himself.      

"Who do we have here?"      

"You better not be eyeing my partner girl." I laughed.      

"You better hurry up and get that girl before someone else does." she winked.    

 "So," I say turning to my partner. "Your new right?"      

"Yeah, I just moved here from Ohio."      

"Oh, So how you liking Florida?"      

"It beats the snow." he smiled showing off his dimples.      

"So your place or mine?”      

"Excuse me?" If we were not in class I would have went Chris Brown on his ass already.      

“For the project? I'm free tomorrow."      

"Oh," I felt my face flush.        

  "So you sweatin’ on white boys now Necole? Ain't that some shit.” Evelyn says making her way out of the school doors.      

“Girl shut up, He was fine, Right Felicia?"      

"Mmhm girl." she says munching on a twisler. "He was a fine white boy."      

Evelyn rolled her eyes. “You need a ride Nicky?"      

Just as she said that Amare came up towards us.      

"Hey Necole, Can I walk you home?"      

You know how much of a far ass walk that is?                                                                                                    

"If you get tired I'll carry you"      

I felt my face flush again. I need to stop doing that.      


"Bye girl." Evelyn winked.      

"So what school are you at?" I asked as we walked out of the schools property.      

"Drop out."      

"Oh, So are you some kinda of rebel then?" I laughed.      

"It's not like that." He smiled. "I wanted to help my mom out."      

That was awkward.      

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to get to know you better.' I fiddled with my earring, Which I tend to do in

awkward situations.      

"Nah its fine anyways. You look cute when you do that."      

I automatically dropped my hand.      
He laughed, and came closer to me."I've wanted to you know better for a long time Necole." He took another step closer to me.      

"Then why don't you." 

Then he leaded forward. His sweet lips moved about on mine. Making me forget we were on the sidewalk near my hood.        

"You got that on a side walk? Damn girl I should try that on day." Felicia says in my hear. It was our daily four- way when I got home from the walk with Amare.I turned on my back onto my bed.      

"I feel dirty." I laughed.      

"Girl please. I don't feel dirty after the stuff I do." Evelyn says.      

"I could have gone throughout my life without hearing that." Mya says in disgust.      

"Why do y'all think it so nasty? Its nature!"      

"For you it is." I say rolling my eyes.      

"Wait so are you an him a thing now Necole?"      

"No! You think he gonna ambush me not that I didn't like it but never mind that he didn't even ask so why would I assume that?"      

“What are you waiting for girl? It's that partner or yours isn't?"      

"Nathan? Noo."  I looked in the mirror and saw my face get red.      

"Oh shit.Uhh I gotta go girls."      

"Mmhmm We know."          

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