Chapter 21

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When I awoke the next morning, I wasn't in the pack's hospital anymore.

The sun was peeking behind the curtains of the room, casting a glow onto my bandage clad body.

I gulped, averting my eyes; I didn't want to imagine what scars lay underneath them.

A female was bustling around in the room, which I now recognised to be mine and Orion's, tidying and arranging things.

"Excuse me?" I asked, startling her. 

I ignored the searing pain that shot through my body as I sat up, gritting my teeth and biting back the dizziness.

She scurried over to me, long black hair pulled into a ponytail, and bowed slightly, showing her neck.

"What am I doing here? Where's Anya?" I asked. 

"Alpha Female, the Alpha requested you be put here. And as of Anya, her heat was due, she shifted a few hours ago." She said.

"Is she okay? No male touched her, right?" I asked.

The female smiled, nodding. "She manage to make it to the place our females stay when they're in heat on time, she's fine." She answered.

I relaxed slightly, closing my eyes and not noticing when the door opened. The female gave a squeak and a barely audibly 'Alpha', then picked up her stuff and left the room. 

I bristled as Orion walked over to me, my claws elongating as he stood still a few metres from the bed.

"Don't bother telling me how much you hate me, I can smell your anger." He said.

"I hate you." I spat, tears springing to my eyes.

Don't cry. 

"I know."

Orion pulled a chair towards him, sitting down and producing a book from the bookshelf next to him.

"Leave, I don't want to see you." I said.

"You're in pain. Go to sleep, Alastrine." Orion said, opening the book.

I noticed the bags under his eyes, that way his hair was as unruly and wild as the last time I saw him.

"It's morning, why should I go to sleep?" I asked, crinkling the sheets in my hands.

Orion gave a heavy sigh, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.

"I'll be right back with breakfast, please, try not to hurt yourself." He stood up and left the room, leaving it a crack open.

Immediately I got to work trying to get myself out, the sheets were thrown off me in a hurry, but it was a struggle to ignore the pain and get myself up.

I swore at myself as I hauled my feet onto the ground, pushing myself upright and off of the bed. Like a train wreck, I collapsed onto the floor, my head hitting the wood with an almighty thump.

The door burst open and Orion rushed in, sliding down to the floor and hooking his arms under my back, pulling me up.

"Don't touch me." I screamed and swiped at him with my claws, almost catching him.

"You need help, stop trying to resist me." He ordered, hooking his arms under my feet and pulling us up.

The pain all over my body caused me to cry out, clutching my abdomen as tears poured down my face.

Orion had put me back onto the bed in seconds, his hands on my cheeks as he dried my tears.

He looked on the brink of tears too, his eyes glistening as they filled up with water.

He put his hands on my shoulder to stop me from thrashing around, but my wolf objected and arose, snapping at him.

"Look what you've done to me." She spoke through me with a vengeance, her tongue laced with anger.

Orion gave an almighty roar, turning and shifting as my wolf retreated back to my mind.

"Run, you coward." I screamed at him.



Who do y'all want to see cast as Alastrine and the rest of the gang, put it down in the comments.




Jirou (The Beta):

The first vote and comment gets a shout out.

This chapter is a little bit shorter, just because if the fact I wanted to fit some important bits together in a new chapter.

Hope you liked it. :)

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