Chapter 19

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Probably best if you listen to: Sia - Alive, for this.


The sky was darkening with speed, the bright circle of the moon ascending into the sky as Orion watched me.

He was counting down, I could tell, he gave me a choice in what punishment I could have, but I never really had a choice in the matter.

He didn't want to appear weak in front of his pack, he didn't want it to seem that he was favouring his mate, so he chose for me.


Sometimes I forget we're mates, the sheer amount of things he's done to me has blocked out all the attraction, all the love for him I'm supposed to feel.

"Time's up." He said, slinking forwards.

I grunted, lifting myself up and priming myself against the bonds. My wolf and I knew it'll hurt, we both knew what silver could do to a wolf.

Orion tilted the knife towards me, silencing the chatter around the crowd. I kept my eyes to the floor, not wanting his pack to see the fear in my eyes, but I could feel Anya's eyes burning holes into my fur and I knew she was planning something.

"The punishment for challenging your Alpha," Orion began, "Has, for generations, been banishment."

"Being branded the lone wolf, a rogue, renders you alone for the rest of your life, forced to fend for yourself below the eye of the unforgiving moon."

"Heed this warning, members of the Silverblood pack, know now that I will not spare the silver whip." He growled, his eyes turning dark.

"Feast your eyes on the female that tried to a challenge me, my mate, the very beast that's supposed to stand with me in unity." 

"Your defiance will yet be broken Alastrine, your time's running out." He quickly whispered.

Closing his eyes, he expelled air from his nose, muttering something under his breath. I braced for impact as he opened his eyes again, his hand shooting out to slide the knife against my fur.

The wound was deep, scarring, and rich blood flowed out like a river. I resisted the urge to howl out in pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

Again, without warning, Orion's hand shot out with speed, dragging the knife against my underbelly and ripping the flesh.

I barely had time to recover before it happened again, and again, and again. Time after time Orion hacked into my fur, which was scarcely fur anymore, ripping away chunks of fur and skin until I was thrashing against the chains and whining for him to stop.

Crimson blood dripped from his hands, staining the grass a chilling red. I'd lost count of how many pack members had turned away, too scared to watch, but so far no one had tried to help - they knew none could dissuade him.

He was a machine, an unstoppable beast that rampaged through anything.

My wolf and I had long since stopped fighting, just let the Alpha do his thing, and we'd let him.

"Stop, stop it."

My eyes snapped open as the voice of Anya grew louder, shouting at Orion to stop. She pushed violently through the crowd and threw herself at him, ripping him away from me.

Orion stood up and faced her, blood dripping from his hands.

"Look at her." Anya screamed at him.

Not once did he flinch, but in that split second, I saw his eyes go to me, and something changed. 

Something different clicked in him as he stared at me. Like really stared, and that's when he realised what he'd done.

He dropped the knife, hands going to his head as he gripped his hair, a wild and feral look in his eyes.

"What have I done?" He shouted.

Anya stood with her fists balled by her sides, tears pouring down her face, watching her Alpha with such disgust.

"What have I done?" He roared, collapsing on his knees.

The Moon, despite the situation, must have been watching over. Because she chose at that moment for everything to go black.


Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted the next bit to be one single chapter. Very important for the story to go on.

How do you like it, I know it's not my best work but I thought it was good.

It's too hot in England right now... -_-

If you can, please check out the other books by yours truly, on my account. It would be greatly appreciated.


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