"What's wrong?"

"I forgot I don't have my key," I say exasperated.

"I can climb in through a window and unlock the door," he offers. I smile, nodding.

He then walks around to the side of my house and I fiddle with the zipper on my backpack. Wow, I just invited him in. What would we do? Eat? I am pretty hungry but I don't know if he is. We could just sit and talk for a little bit at least, and maybe even just watch a movie or something. Tomorrow's Saturday so I don't have to worry about waking up early for school meaning I can stay up pretty late. I have to greet my parents but I'm sure that if I was asleep they would just wait until I woke up. I hear a click and the door knob jiggling.

I turn to the door suddenly aware I was pretty much spacing out again. I've been doing that a lot lately but I guess there's a lot to think about. The white door opens with a slight creak and Justin grins. "So what do you want to do?" He says while winking suggestively. I blush and look down at my feet. He lets me in and takes a seat on the couch next to me. It's a 3 person couch so we're dangerously close.

"Are you hungry? I could get you something?" I say quickly and he chuckles. He nods and smiles at me. "Is popcorn okay?"

"I love popcorn."

I walk over to the kitchen and look around in the cupboards for the popcorn. After finally finding it, I put it in the microwave wave and lean against the counter whilst I wait. I head to the fridge and take out two root beers. Does he like root beer? I guess we'll find out. I smile to myself as I think about what it would be like to be on a date with him. Oh God no. I'm becoming one of those obsessed girls who imagines having sex with her crush and thinking about names for their kids. The microwave dings and I sigh. I put the popcorn in a big bowl, not without burning myself of course, and grab the two cans.

As I walk back into the living room my heart stops. He's standing over the mantel looking at a picture frame. "Who's this?" He asks while examining the dusty glass.

"No one!" I squeak. My heart puños as I set down the food and take the picture from him rapidly. He can't find out about Steven. After he died in that crash I decided not to tell anyone who didn't already know. I don't need people asking about my dead baby brother. He stares at me weirdly before sighing slightly.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I look up at him and shake my head. It's too painful to talk about, even if I wanted to. He nods in understanding before grabbing the popcorn bowl and sitting on the couch. "Hey, I want some too," I frown as he hogs the bowl.

He smiles innocently at me before stuffing his face. I roll my eyes but smile at his immaturity. I plop down next to him and hand him a soda. He says–well tries to say– thanks. "Want to watch something?" He asks after swallowing.

"Sure. What movie?"

He shrugs and walks over to the cabinet next to the TV and browses the movies. He picks up one and smirks at me. I gasp, "no way in hell am I watching The Conjuring!"

"Why not? You scared?" He teases before putting it in.

There's no point in lying. "Very much so!" I exclaim and slump into the couch. I don't hate horror movies, they're alright. But I just can't watch the Conjuring and I honestly don't know why. He sits next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you Princess," he says smugly, pressing play. I grumble a few curse words and lean into his chest.

As soon as it starts I wish I had a blanket. Personally, I believe that they're a necessity while watching a scary movie. As if he's reading my mind, he grabs a blanket from the lazy boy next to him and wraps it around us. My heart pounds as I see the title screen and he chuckles, pulling me closer.

I jump as it begins and start blushing intensely when he pulls me onto his lap. "I-I uh... Um," I say because those are the only words that are able to leave my mouth. I look away and my eyes end up on the lamp which happens to be the only light source in the room at the moment.

He follows my gaze. Without warning he flips the switch on the lamp and we're plunged into darkness besides the TV. I yelp and bury my face in his chest. He laughs. He. Laughs. Does he think this is funny?! This is terrifying! He wraps his other arm around me and all of s sudden, I feel warm and safe in his embrace.

The movie goes by with him laughing at my screams and me clinging onto his shirt like my life depended on it. He turns back on the lamp as the end credits begin playing. I sigh in relief and look up. His beautiful eyes stare down at me while I stare at him too. The world seems to just stop when I sit there in his safe, loving arms. It's like nothing else in the world matters. He brushes a strand of my hair that fell out of my bun behind my ear and I shiver at his touch.

What's happening to me?


hiii! WOAH two updates in one day? that is unheard of! there might be a little spam but i'm not sure:)! as you may know, when i write i don't really have a specific plot to follow. i just write in the moment:) but in school today i had this great idea for this story and i'm super excited to write it!

as for my writing schedule... i don't really have one either. i will post probable around 2 or 3 times a week but that may vary! we're also almost as 90 reads which ik isn't a LOT but it means a lot to me. anyways i have a dentist appointment in a few so wish me luck ugh:(

w/c: 1809


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