"And what did you do with all that momentum. You screwed it up. 6 months later where was Dean Ambrose at the Greatest Stage of all. You should be embarrassed because your own girlfriend made history that day. But you are not embarrassed. But you know why you will never break the glass ceiling. Why you never make history why you are never bigger than WWE. Its not because you are not talented but because you are lazy and complacent."

Ruby got off his lap and went to attack the Miz but Dean got her uninjured arm and made her sit down. "Be careful okay." Dean said to Ruby and she nodded.

"Look man it doesn't matter what I am wearing. Its what's in here." Dean said tapping his heart. "And there is a lot of guys here like you. Guys who care about Image, try to be something big and fancy, try to pretend something they are not. Care about what people think about you, what they say about you, what they tweet about you. Care about branding. I don't even know what branding is. I don't. I'm not a brand. I'm dean Ambrose." Dean said and he was  now walking up to The Miz.

"I don't care about movies, talk shows. I do this because I love it. I do this in front of 20 people or 100,000 people. I love going out there every night and busting my ass. I love black eyes. I love coughing up my own teeth. I love bleeding and sweating and I love kicking ass and getting my ass  kicked. Doesn't matter which one because no one does it like I do. And that is why I am the Intercontinental Champion!" Dean was now right in front of the Miz face.

"Dude you have to know. I mean I beat you for it." Dean said and that is when Maryse had enough and took the mic from her husband and stood in front of him.

"Listen to me you ugly little street rat." Maryse spit at Dean and Ruby got in front of Dean. Ruby got the mix from Dean.

"I could beat your ass with one arm Maryse. Don't test me." Ruby said and Maryse looked at her then to Dean.

"Do you really think you are a champion. Because guess what Dean walking around with the title doesn't make you a champion. There is an old saying, the championship doesnt make the man. the man makes the championship boy." Maryse said.

"Ya I heard that one before. Hey can you hold this microphone for a second." Dean said and gave Maryse his mic that he got from Ruby.

Ruby moved out of the way when Dean started to take everything from his pockets while The Miz was talking about how he is the man.

"I worked very hard to make it mean what it meant when I was a kid." The Miz paused while Dean took off his leather jacket and started to fold it. "Then Dean Ambrose you won it. You won it and you had an opportunity to continue my legacy but now you are champion. Now you are champion and that title is exactly what you are. A joke." The Miz said to Dean who was now looking at him.

"And its not a funny joke-." The Miz said but Dean threw his jacket to Maryse and Dean speared the Miz and started to sock him. The Miz tried to get away but Dean would always drop him to the ground. Maryse started to yell at Dean to let her husband go but he wouldn't listen.

So Maryse took matters into her own hands and threw the mic to Dean's back. Dean made a pain face and was walking towards Maryse, but Ruby beat him to it. Maryse saw Ruby and climbed out of the ring and up the ramp leaving Ruby in the ring.

The Miz was setting Dean for skull crush finale but Dean countered and was about to give him dirty deeds but The Miz slid out of the ring. Dean looked at The Miz and growled in annoyance. Dean got so mad that he threw a chair out of the ring. Dean looked at Ruby and went to her to check on her shoulder.


It was time for the Divas number one contenders fatal four match.

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