Great New - last chapter

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Sam's pow
I push my hair into a loose ponytail and checked my highlight.

"Okay I'm ready to go now , Carl " I said. Carl and I were on good terms now after a few rounds of forgive me sex.

I hop in the car hoping this all goes good in the end.

" what do you think she'll say ? " Carl asked as he started the car. "She loves you , don't worry daddy " I smirked.

" oh i love it when you call me daddyyy " he yelled and I giggled. 

When we got to my mom house , I took 3 deep breaths before knocking on her door. 3 secs later she opened the door and there was mother and my stepdad. They got married a 7 years ago. They been in love ever since.

"Hey kiddo , why don't you come in " my mother flashed that award winning smile. 

I don't live here anymore . I decided when all I heard was them having sex it was time to go. I decided to move in with Carl . It hasn't changed after a year I been moved out . But I like to see the different atmosphere in here.

" dinners almost ready hun " she smiled " why don't we catch up? "

" sure but I have to use the bathroom first " I tried to keep from throwing up , right then and there.

I made my way around the corner and into the bathroom, locked the door and puked . Ugh , was having a baby really worth going threw all this stuff ?

I wiped my mouth and washed my hands. I stood and stared in the mirror for seemed like forever. I'm going to have a baby . I'm going to have a baby! I gave a small laugh , still not believe what my body was going to produce. I put a hand on my belly . For you baby , it's worth going threw. I put a smile on my face and walked out.

I sat on the couch and began listening to what they were speaking of . My mother is so beautiful. I'm sure that's where I get most of my good looks from. Soon enough dinner was ready and it was time to spill the news.

We had mashed potatoes with meat loaf and some Pepsi as a drink. And some chocolate cake for dessert.

"Could you pass me the pepper , mom? " I smiled

"Sure hun , so what is that news that you needed to tell me so bad ? " she ate her mashed potatoes.

" I- I'm pregnant " I spit it out and focused on my plate in front of me . There was no sound just the stares of my mom and step dad on me. After about what seem forever she spoke.

" it's Carl's right? " she spoke softly.

" of course it's his ! Why would think I would go around fucking other people " I yelled , relieving my sudden burst of anger.  " I just mean I'm in love with Carl , so of course it's his " I spoke again but softly this time.

" well , can you afford a baby right now ? " she laughed " I mean your only like what 16 ? What makes you think anyone would want that baby " she sneered

" I do , I want this baby ! I would be very happy if you just accepted my decisions , God " I yelled . Getting up slamming my fists down on the table . 

" you might as well abort it , like I should've aborted you" she said emotionless. A bunch of anger flew threw my veins . I started to reach across the table but Carl wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back.

" what makes you be so hateful all of a sudden??! " I screamed " your my mother for God sakes , you should be happy for me not putting me down " Carl backed me up some more until we were at the front door . " wait , one more thing sweetie " she pulled out a gun and shot me in my stomach " there will be no need for an abortion " she smirked and turned around . 

I woke up screaming . Phew! That was just a nightmare. I decided I was just gonna text her the news . I pulled out my phone and texted her .

Me : mom I'm pregnant 🤗

Mother : that's great news!!!!! ☺️ when are you due ?

Me : on my birthday  . I'm so excited

Mother: well I can't wait to play with my grandchild !!!

I smiled relieved that it was all a dream and clicked my phone closed and went back to sleep , laying on Carl chest .


I really hoped y'all enjoyed this book . But I feel as if I was distracted the whole time writing . If you feel as if there were unanswered questions then feel free to comment your questions. I also will be starting another book called The LOVERS STYLE . It's not up on my page yet I'm still working on a cover and etc but yes this is the end of this book so till next book , see ya 💓

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