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14 years later *

I shake the pregnancy test and waited for the results.
"Ughhh I can't be pregnant " I smack my head softly. "I'm not ready to be a mother . What am I going to tell my mom? " I look at Carl and not my lip.

"I'm sure she'll be okay with it ,I mean it was an accident , and I'm sure she's against abortion sooo hopefully everything goes well ?" He said it more like a question. He smiled awkwardly. I laughed and pecked him on his lips.

" I love you Carl " I smiled and gave him a hug

"I love you more , I just hope your prego " he chuckled and hugged me back.

The pregnancy test was ready.

The moment of truth.

" I ammmm -" I said I brought the test infront of my eyes and opened them. " pregnant " I sigh but smiled quickly. " Carl you are the fatherrrrrrr" I laughed and hugged him.

"YESSSSSS OH YESSS FINALLY !! " he screamed and cried tears of joy.

A little over dramatic may I add.


"Carl , have you been trying to get me pregnant?!" I roll my eyes. " tell the truth too , or I'll abort this baby " I joked. with no humor at all may I add.

" uh yes I have actually. " he looked down

" WHY ?!" I huffed . " I LOVE YOU , YES BUT THATS NO REASON TO CUM IN ME , ugh . " a look of sadness passed over his face. " ugh sorry but you knew I wasn't ready for any babies right now "  I got up and left the bathroom

"I know , Sam. Wait - Sam , wait " he called after me.

I pulled out my phone and called my mom

"Yellow? " she said

"Hey mom , ugh I got some exciting news for you " I forced a smile even though she couldn't see me.

"Greaaaat , you should bring over Carl too and have dinner and tell the news then plus I have some news of my own" I can hear the smile on her face.

" oh , okay that will work . I love you lots ma . See you soon."

I hung up and thought of ways to tell her the "exciting" news.

AN-soooo sorry this is so short . Anyways vote comment . Thanks love ya .❤️ could you guess this book is ending soon? 😋 only one chapter left . There will not be a Epilogue

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