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"Where have you been?"I ask Ashley

She was gone all this time ... Didn't even let me go she left

" Ran away to grandma's " she said as I let her go

"Grandma's ? Seriously grandma's , all this time you were gone 6 years ... 6 years ! Your 21 now at least admit to the wrong you do!" I say storming off leaving to the bathroom .

I walked to the bathroom. Sat on the sink, and cried a few minutes later Ashley walked in.

I hated her for leaving me ...leaving us !But that's still my sister. She prolly don't even remember our memories.



I walked in and see Alexis my sister crying. I walk closer but she just yelled for me to back the fuck up.

Such a nice way to greet your long lost sister.

Avoiding Alexis I walk to the sink next to hers and stare in the mirror. My blonde hair flows down my back . baby blue eyes staring back at me . I look at Alexis noticing she was admiring my looks. I mean it did run in the family . Alexis had long brown hair with dimples she was adorable. I remember when we was kidnapped but a boy saved us. We was really close once we escaped . we was touched and Alexis cried telling him to stop.. I tried to protect her but he only knocked me out cold. That's the reason why I ran away . I start think good memories.

"Hey .. " I say softly " remember when mom would bake cookies for us ?"

" yea and we would put on movies and laugh all day ?" She said smiling

"Yea and when we black out mom would carry us to our rooms ?" I said giggling

"Yes I remember it all .. Just tell me why did you leave" she said softly

"Um.. " I gulped " remember when we was kidnapped , that's why I couldn't protect you so I think I shouldn't face you.."

"Ashley , you did protect me! You kept me sane " she said as she hugged me crying

Tears escaped my eyes i know what she said was bluffs and lies but I smiled anyway.

"Thanks but your boyfriend is waiting ." I giggled

" Oh he's my friend " she giggled as she went to the door .

"Kyle by the way your answer is yes. " she said as she pecked his cheek , he blushed ,I giggled .

"Yeesss ! The fine girl is my girlfriend noww!! " he screamed with joy .

"Okay okay I know I'm fine but you don't have to tell me !" She giggled as she smacked his àss.

"Okay okay Yall cute but let's go !" I smile

I gave my sister my number and said my goodbyes to them walking out the side of the burger place . I walk to my ferrai and open the door , 6 years of hard work and I finally have this .

"Nice car " a unknown voice say

" um thanks " I turn around to see ...


"Ashley see you around " he smirked and walked off

He was tall with blonde hair and dimples , he had good features , like really good features and that smile lordd . but how did he know my name he looked like a adult ,hm I got in my car and thought about it. Then mom came across my mind . I gotta call her its only fair to call her .

I stared at my iPhone 6 and went to contacts and went to my mom and called her it rung 3 times then she answered.


I was in my room when I heard my mom screaming. I came out my room to see her crying tears of joy. I'm guessing she knew my sister came back.


She was talking about Ashley my other sister , they had the same features , that I adore so much. I walk into the kitchen my dad eating some cereal .

"Whats up dad?" I smile

Me and my dad is a bunch of goofys we always joke around

"Hey poodle" he laughed

" Hey ! I am not a poodle " I faked a attitude then bushing out laughing

My family is finally coming back together .

AN: will they let Older Ashely back into there home?
Stay tuned

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