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Scarlett couldn't help but be in fear of her brother. His temper was short and his voice was loud, occasionally ornaments would be thrown around the place they called home. She began to live in fear of even turning on the radio Harry had bought as a present. She only dared to listen when he was away. Luckily in this moment, he was.

She'd spent many nights crying, terrified of making a noise as Harry would only shout. Yet now the house was silent but only for a short while. Harry had bellowed to Scarlett announcing his departure causing a rush to run through Scarlett's veins. She hurried down the stairs and perched next to the radio. She was still in awe of such a simple device however she was in need of something to calm her mind. She wasn't sure how things worked so she fiddled with the dials, turning every single one left and right until a sincere voice emerged.

"We now will hold a minutes silence in memory of the turmoil we faced as a nation 15 years ago." The fairly familiar voice announced. The seconds seemed to drone on in the silence Scarlett became used to.

"What is this about?" She mumbled under her breathe. She could only link this to the previous radio encounter that Harry rudely switched off but he wasn't here now.

"Before we move on we wish to send our wishes to the Smiths and hope someone speaks up soon. These years must have been torture and we will do all we can to help." The male spoke, his voice hushed and calming. Scarlett just sat in awe. His voice echoing in her mind. She couldn't imagine what had happened yet she felt some sympathy for these unknown humans. "Now it's time for some...." With that sudden overwhelming emotion Scarlett refused to listen to more. She ran upstairs, feeling more comfort in a familiar room.

Harry wasn't around, much to Scarlett's delight, yet she felt at home in his presence. She just wanted his arms across her shoulders, protecting her from the horrors of the world. She pushed the door slightly open and saw the once immaculate room now covered in paper and pens. Something felt wrong, Scarlett knew of the ban but she needed to feel close to him. She sat on his bed trying to ignore the articles spaced amongst the floor, that was until one name appeared in every article.

Skylar Smith.

Stolen - A WroetoShaw Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now