I took a few deep breaths before heading back into the conference room. I kept my eyes lowered whilst I took my seat. My dad was still talking about recording studios, tours, promotions and stuff but I could hardly hear for the pounding in my head. I shot a quick glance at the band. Brad was staring at me. He caught my eye and smiled a little bit apologetically. If anyone would know what I would be feeling right now it would be Brad. He had known me practically my whole life whilst we had grown up a few blocks away from each other in New York. We had met at kindergarten and had stayed friends right up until I had been dragged to the other side of the country. Brad knew how difficult I found it standing up for myself in front of my parents, he knew how pressured my relationship with my siblings was and he had been there and witnessed first-hand what his own brother had done.

I realised then that it was Brad that I had missed the most when I had left. It was Brad that had first introduced me to bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden. It made me giggle to think now that he had started listening to heavy metal and was now in a band that was more emo than metal. He was still watching me as my giggle threatened to escape. He looked at me questioningly.

“Well if that’s everything we will adjourn for this evening. I will keep you all updated with our progress in the studio. Chelsea, guys, I will see you all at the studio at 9am sharp tomorrow.” My dad announced happily looking at us all.

Oh no, not on a Saturday! I did not need to get up at stupid o’clock to work on a Saturday with my ex-boyfriend, his cute friends, an old friend of mine and my dad! This was so unfair. I said my goodbyes and dashed out. I jumped on my bike and drove around for an hour silently fuming. How could my parents do this to me? What kind of culture do we live in where two people can force you into a life that you don’t want?

I arrived home and slammed the door for good measure when I got in. It was of no use neither of my parents was home yet. I stomped around getting changed and ready for bed when I heard the door go and  my parents return home.

“Chelsea!” I heard my mother shout. I headed downstairs my mind working frantically thinking up what I wanted to say to them.

“There you are. Why did you leave so suddenly? It was so rude!” my mom yelled at me. She looks really good for her age, just like my dad. He dark brown hair is soft and shines every time she flicks it to one side. Her eyes are this grey that can be steely when she’s mad or really soft and sparkly when she’s happy.

“Well I don’t really like you making major life decisions for me and announcing them to everyone else before you have even asked me.” I replied trying to keep any anger or attitude out of my tone.

“I don’t understand what you mean” my dad said softly. This is his trick. This is how he gets everyone to do what he wants by calming down any tempers and talking softly. It puts people so at ease that they forget why they are sad or angry. I had seen it enough times to know how to avoid falling for it.

“Mom, dad you have just announced to a room full of your colleagues that I am going to have a major hand in running a new division of the company yet you didn’t even ask me first. You’ve signed a band to a label and told them that it will be me that is in charge eventually yet you haven’t asked me if that’s what I want. You haven’t asked me what I want to do with my life. We’re a family first we’re meant to talk. Not only that but you’ve signed a band I don’t even like that just happens to contain my ex-boyfriend, or did you not look too closely when you were doing your research?” I stopped for breath and let them digest my words.

“OK Chelsea. What do you want?” my dad asked looking directly into my eyes, another trick.

“I want to be a doctor. I want to go to college in New York. I want to travel and see the world. I don’t want to live in the Haley shadow any more. I want to make my own way in life and not have it handed to me. I don’t want to make albums or go on tour with bands. I like listening to music I don’t think I could ever like producing it, hearing the same thing over and over again until it was perfect”. I looked at my dad pleading with him silently.

“Brilliant! After your father and I have dedicated our lives to building up such a successful company all ready to hand over to you no questions asked you decide you want to be a doctor and turn your back on us?” my mom was sure annoyed.

“You never asked me. You always assumed that this is what I wanted when really I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to live in LA. I miss New York.” I could feel myself on the verge of tears

“OK girls enough. Here is what is going to happen.  Chelsea you apply to whatever college and whatever course you want. Continue to work as hard as you already do at school. In the meantime you will come to the studio, you will learn the business and you will produce this record with this band. Once you have managed to experience it for a few months you can then decide whether or not you want to go to med school or stay here and join the firm. Do we have a deal?” my dad was renowned for his deals, always confident that he would get his way in the end.

“Yes daddy” I replied softly. Fair was fair. I had no intention of joining the family company. A few months working with daddy and Cold Vengeance would surely not kill me.

 At least I hoped.

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