14. "You're ew."

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I looked at Justin with a disguised look on my face, watching him eating that pizza slice made me just sick. Gross motherfucker. "Why don't you eat?" He asked, "Cause it looks so disgusting" I cocked my head to the side as I grabbed one pizza slice and all the cheese drip down from the slice. "Ew." I put it back and got up from the chair in the kitchen. "You're ew" Justin mimicked and then put the whole pizza slice in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the sink. I opened the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a glass from the shelf inside. I looked back at Justin, wanting to ask him if he wanted a glass of water but I saw him looking at my eyes but quickly looked into my eyes, very discreet. "Oh god." I sighed as I filled the glass with water and walked into the living room. Plopping myself down on the couch as I grabbed the remote from the table. Looking through some channels but couldn't find anything to watch. "You sure you don't want pizza?" Justin shouted from the kitchen, "Yes, I'm sure." I shouted back.

A few minutes passed and Justin came into the living room sitting beside me. "What?" I sighed, I'm tired of his existence. "Nothing"

"Then why are you here?"

He put his eyebrows together in a thin line "What? Am I not allowed to walk around in this house freely?"

"Well..." I was about to say something.. But I couldn't find any words.

"Exactly, now shut up."

"I didn't say anything," I smiled cockily

"Now you did" He smirked, I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch and was just about to leave when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist making me sit down on the couch again. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at Justin, "Let's start over"

I shrugged and waited for him to continue "I'm Justin, I'm 19 years old. I'm from Stratford in Canada. Or accurately raised there. Ask what you want to know and I'll tell you, but to begin with tell me a little about yourself"

"First of all.. There's nothing you need to know about me and second last time I asked you about something you got all angry and shit, I don't want to go through that again so.. Let's just focus on the mission."

He kept quiet, I won.

"Goodnight." I continued

I walked to my room and opened my drawer. Grabbing my white T-shirt and some black training shorts, I put them on as I threw the clothes I had on me before, on the floor carelessly. I got under my covers and played with my phone for a while.

I put the alarm on and turned away as I put the phone on my nightstand on the left side. Just as I was about to try to fall asleep, I heard a knock on my door, I assume it was Justin, cause he's the only one besides me in this house.

I pretended to be asleep as I heard the door open. "Hey Kayla, you up?" He whispered and I stayed quiet. "I know you are." He raised his voice. I groaned and sat up. "What?"

"I'm sorry about that before.. But I just wanted to get to know you better since we're going to live with each other in thirty weeks.."

I felt bad actually.. Cause it should be me who apologises. I shook my head "No its me, sorry.. Uhm.. But I'm really tired right now, so can we please talk tomorrow after school?" I wanted to skip all this sweet talk, cause I don't want to get close to this motherfucker. He and Smole will probably betray us when we get the girl. "Yeah, I understand.. Just wanted to make things clear between us, and that you know that you can trust me.." He smiled, I faked a smile back and saw him walking out from the door before closing the door. I rolled my eyes and lied back down.

It will be a looong day tomorrow.

~Boo's, okaay so it was a long time ago since I updated but here I am and I know this is a short chapter but I'll make the other one longer cause I didn't know what to write in this anyways please comment what you think of the story so far!! vote, read and comment! Love you!<3~

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