7. "Damn bro! Don't fall in love."

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As far as i can remember, i didn't close the door to the wardrobe? Or maybe I did? Fuck it.

I opened the door to the wardrobe and looked around the shelf the album were on, but I couldn't find it.


***JUSTIN'S P.O.V***

What am I supposed to do now?

I laid down on the bed with my hands behind my head to support the weight. I stared at the ceiling, while waiting for the time to pass by. And of course when you want the time to go faster it doesn't.

If I would be with my homies now, damn we'd be fucking some bitches right now.

The time was now 9pm, a minute ago it was just 8.59. Gosh time goes slow.

Okay, I can't take this. I'm going out.

I got up from the bed and went to my drawer and took out my things I need for my stache.

I didn't tell you which one.

Just kidding, you pervert.

I took out the shaving cream and razor from a small bag where I had my hygiene products. I opened the door to the room and went to the bathroom.

I poured the cream in my hand and smeared it out. I started shaving it off, it makes me look younger and sexier, you know.

I washed off all the rests of the cream from my face and went back to the room with the razor and the cream in my hand.

I took a pair of dark blue jeans and a v-necked shirt. I put it on and sprayed the playboy perfume on. I grabbed my phone and my wallet.

I walked out my room and went to the main door, I put my black J's on and looked through my contact list to find Nic's number.

Nic is my best friend, it sounds gay but he's the one I've ever talked seriously with, I never open up to anybody else. Its safer that way.

We've known each other since we started working together but then he got fired because he was making out with my boss's wife, I mean she never told Nic she was our boss's wife.. Long story, lets not bring it up right now.

"Hey Nic."

"Wassup' bro? Its been a while."

"Yeah I know man. I've got a new job."

"That's great bro."

"Hell nah"

"Why not?"

"Gotta work with a chick."

"At, you serious?"

"Yeah man, listen. I can't stand doing nothing so let's go to a club or something."

"Okay, where you at?"

"Meet me at the train station, 10 minutes bring my car the keys are in my room."

"Gotcha bro, see ya later."

I hang up and put my jacket on, opened the door and started walking to the train station.

"Fuck, its cold." I said to myself

I saw some girls walking front of me.

Damn, look at that ass.

They were giggling and looking back my way all the time. One blond chick turned around and biting her lip. "Hi handsome." "Hello sexy." I winked, she turned around to her friends and were jumping around and shit, why did she get so excited? I was just saying hi.

I smirked to myself

"Do you want my number?" she asked. "If I would, I would ask you. But I won't, cause I don't want it." She dropped her jaw she couldn't believe what I just said to her. I mean c'mon man, I mean I'm not that horny.

I saw a car near the station then I started walking faster.

I opened the car door and jumped in.

"Sup bro." Nic said as he gave me a brofist. "Man, I saw some girls just a minute ago annoying as fuck." "I bet you wanted to fuck her." "Bro, she started jumping around just because I said hi." "Damn, you pull girls faster than you blink." "What can I do? Girls love me." "Whatever." he said rolling his eyes as he started the engine and drove off the parking lot to the road.

"So you're working with a chick? Is she hot? Have you banged her yet?" Nic said "Yeah, annoying bossy bitch. Well.. Yeah. No. Not yet" I said pulling out a pack if cigarettes. I took out one and put it in my mouth while searching through my other pocket for a lighter. He laughed "I see. So how long are you going to be working with her?" "For 30 weeks." I said puffing all the smoke out "Damn bro! Don't fall in love." "Hell no!"

~Babeeeess! Sorry for the late update but you know Christmas and so on, I'm pretty sure everyone has been busy these couple of days. But anyway I'm doing another story called brainwashed Justin will as well not be famous in that one. It will be a weird story, but I think it will be better then this and the other one 'Drugs, sex, family, friends everything is fucked up' but it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that you're enjoying my stories. Much love to you and keep commenting voting, whatever! You make me happy anyways!~

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