16. "You don't like her either?"

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***KAYLA'S P.O.V***

"Alright listen up class, we got some new students; Chole and Jason." A teacher named Peter Jackson said.

I felt quite uncomfortable standing in front of people I don't know, especially when they don't know who I really am and what I do for a living. Same thing for Jaso-Justin.

Having secret identities will be hard but I guess I'll get used to it with time.

"So.. Chole,  Jason, why don't you introduce yourself a little?" Mr. Jackson said.

I looked to my right, to face Justin who was already looking at me. He gave me a slight nod as a motion for me to start talking; "Okay... Um... As you all know I'm Chole and um.."

All of sudden forgot where I'm from, not where I'm from, really, but what smole said I 2as from, so I made something up; "And I'm from Los Angeles." And as I said that everyone's face expression changed into "what the fuck" face. I heard someone whisper "why"

I looked at Justin and gave him a nod as his turn to talk. But he wasn't looking at me, instead (from my point of view) he was already flirting with a girl in the class.


I rolled my eyes and let out a fake cough to get his attention, but as that didn't seem to help, I nudged him slightly at the side.

"What?" He whispered.

"Oh nothing just the fact that we're standing in front of the whole class while you're flirting with a girl I'm sure you'll fuck in the bathroom after this class - nothing."

Was what I wanted to say, but I'd only embarrass him and as much as I'd love to do that, I, for some reason, can't.

When he finally came to realization, his mouth shaped into an 'O'.

"Um... I'm Jason and I'm from Brooklyn, not so far from here." Was all he said.

A small silence fell upon us all and Mr. Jackson took that as a cue that we didn't have anything else to say; "Perfect. Chloe,  Jason, there's two empty seats in the back corner of the room, you can go and take a seat."

Great, now I have to sit next to him.

We did as we were told and sat down. I looked at Justin but he was too busy flirting so I loomed away and acted as if I was participating in whatever Mr. Jackson said.


We followed the Kendra chick, around the school the whole day, and she didn't even have to guide us anymore but of course she wanted to because Justin.

I mean sure, Justin's good looking, very attractive, handsome, very hot - but that doesn't mean that you have to guide two people through a small school that I'm pretty sure they'd manage finding to where they're going, on their own.

"So that's it. If you ever get lost in the corridors, and catch a glimpse of me don't be afraid to come up to me and ask where you need to go." She said.

Both Justin and I nodded our heads, hoping she'd leave us alone already since the school was over.

"Good. So... What do you want to do now?" She smiled.

I gave her a weird look; "Uh... I'm going home?" I said like it was the obvious thing in the world.

"Oh... Right!" She chuckled awkwardly; "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow!" She said quickly before turning around and walked away.

"Unfortunately." Justin said and I chuckled.

"You didn't like her either?" I asked.

"Aw hell no." He chuckled; "Now let's get out of here or else I'm going to kill myself if I stay here any longer." He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards our lockers.

I don't know what happened but as he grabbed my hand, I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach, as if something was being released - and I couldn't tell why.

~Heeeeeeeeeyeyeee haven't updated this in a while ._. But yeah now I'm back and here's the chapter y'all been nagging about haha but it's okay I felt that I needed to update this as well. But what do you think? Leave a comment and vote! Thank you. Also, I forgot what Justin and Kayla's secret identities was haha so I just made up something xD
anyway I wanted to tell you that I have a new fanfic so I'd appreciate it if you go and check it out, maybe leave a comment on the chapter telling me if you want more, but only if you want. Okay so yeah, love you and stay fantastic!~

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