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It's been two days.
We waited patiently in the corridor for any news.

I felt so frustrated and the pressure is getting tighter. I can't take this anymore. A million thoughts is driving my mind super crazy and there's nothing more horrible than the thoughts of death.

The doctor came out first looking a little worried and look at the file then back at us.

"She's...uhmmm." it was like the doctor couldn't tell us. "She's asleep for now and out of danger for now."

We sighed in relieve as the doctor just looked at us worried.

"Is everything alright doctor?" I asked. The doctor look down then back at me with a glare.

"We sort of...caught scene on some terrible...I mean by terrible damages to her body which sort of had her in danger. We're actually surprised that she survived." The doctor replied. It had me all so confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked folding my arms.

"If she had gone of another few days without eating she would have been anorexic active. Her stomach got a little inside bleeding but somehow stopped and we don't know how. We found a little GPS tracker in the back of her neck." The doctor tried to explain. Then look down worried and back at me. "And last, I don't know how to say it but...she's hurt terribly. We don't know who did this but we're hoping it's not to late to find DNA in the samples we took."

"Okay. And what do you mean by she's hurt terribly?" I asked hoping it's not what I think it is.

"We might wanna spare that detail." She said signalling to the children. I look at them and showed them to go in to their mother.

Lola's P.O.V

We sat next to mom that was still asleep and connected to masjiens. I look at the window in the door and see dad talking to the doctor. Something the doctor said made dad grab his head like he could scream and pull his hair out.

I wonder what they were talking about. I'm young not stupid but right now I feel dumber then a three year old.

I look at mom and had a thin blanket over her annd was into a big sleep.

"Atleast she's fine." Ella said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry sis." Ethan said comforting her back.

That moment mom woke up and we all looked at her. She try to touch her neck from behind but couldn't lift her head.

"Mom, lay still." Ethan said putting her hands beside her again. The cast around her neck sort of made it impossible to move. It was weird, mom got shot, she didn't break her neck for as far as I'm concerned.

"Where's..." she started that's when dad came in about to explode.

"Can I please have a word with your mother?" He asked no possession to smile.

"Okay." We agreed and walk out.

Third person P.O.V

Evan stood there disappointed looking at Elizabeth.

"You don't trust me Liz. And I need to know why." He said madly.

"What are you talking about?" She asked a little confused.

"I'm talking about what Leon did. About everything he did. Like that night after he almost slept with you and what happened when he came back!" Evan shout frustrated.

"Evan. Stop it please. It happened." She cried putting her hand on her eyes.

"So what? You put it in the past and pretend it never happened?" He asked very angry.

"Stop it okay!" She shout and take her hand away from her eyes putting it in his. "I never talked about it because it hurts so please don't bring that up."

He look at her and calm down a bit by her sweet voice.

"You loved me once. You can respect my sayings in this and my choices right?" She said with tears in her eyes having a way to soften him. "Since we would've had four children you can atleast save this fight for the children's sake."

"I'm so sorry." Evan cried and take a seat next to her placing his head on her lap. She touch his hair crying much more.

"It would've been beautiful Evan. Don't know what it was but it would've been beautiful and we would probably have had something to say to each other." She cried. He look at her and stood up placing his hands in hers.

"I remember you standing there ready to give me the news with the three children that already went to bed and the next moment...after giving the news all I did was turn around and when I looked back at you...you laid on the floor crying out in pain." He remembered as she close her eyes and look back at him.

"It happened for a reason Evan. I had that miscarriage for a reason." She assured him so calmly. He nod and place a kiss on her front head. "Let's just take things slow untill you're ready for this okay."

She touch his face and pull him closer to her with a kiss. He kissed her back of course.

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