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Standing worriedly and half confuse I couldn't help but to show it. I gave my son an add look.

"What's it? Ethan talk to me please." I begged getting a bad feeling.

"Someone is hurting mom...super bad." He replied. I feel my heart bounding out of my chest and a feeling running into my ghost that's about to murder my soul.

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.

"I think it's something you need to see yourself." He replied and take out his phone. He goes through a few things and gave me the phone. It's a video, half dark but I can make out what's happening.

It's so horrible I feel like I wanna explode. A river of lawa burst trough my entire body. My hatred towards this man grew bigger and stronger.

I grab the phone angrily and pause it.

"I'll be back." I said and walk up to Elizabeth that sat on the swing with her long white skirt and a light brown half creamy coloured sweater.

A little boy walk up to her and give her a flower.
"Oh thank you." She smiled and giggled when he gave her a hug. The boy smile and ran back to his friends. She look at me and stood up as we walk to each other. She must've seen I'm not very impressed.

Finally coming infront of her I grab her hand and pull her away from the children to a side where they won't be able to hear our conversation.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her as we stop and I put my hands on her shoulders so that she could look at me.

"Yes of course." She replied with a smile about to run away from her lips.

"Don't lie to me Lizy! I know what's going on! I'm not blind!" I shout at her. I just care about her, I don't want to hurt her I just want her to be honest to me.

"Evan, what are you talking about?" She asked acting like she doesn't know.

"I'm talking about this!" I show her the video clip. She grab her mouth and starts to cry. I take the phone away from her eyes and look at her that looked speechlessly at me drowning in her tears.

"How did you....?" She started.

"It doesn't matter." I interrupted. She starts crying immediately putting her face in her hands.

"I can't help what's happening. There's nothing I can do to stop him." She cried. I grab her into my embrace. I can't control myself anymore. I just want hold her forever and kill that bastard. Wether he's a biker with a congregation of Hitler supporters or what ever! I don't care!

I take her face in my hands and look into her beautiful crying eyes.

"Lizy, you need to get away from him. Do it for the children's sake okay." I said hoping that she would do as I say. She just nod looking down then back at me. I take the flower from her hand and put it into her loose hair. I put her back into my embrace and place a kiss carefully on her head.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I think I should do what's best but I can't, I'm too afraid. I climb out of the car walking proudly up to the house full of regression.

I open the door and walk in putting my sleeves over my hands into fists and I look around expecting Leon to come up on me. I walk into the living room as I heard his bike outside.

Oh no, he's here! What do I do now?

The door swing open and he came in view. Don't say a word Liz. Not now. He walk up to me and grab my face in his grib as I close my eyes with tears.

"Look at me Elizabeth. Or are you afraid?" I heard him. I feel his other hand pulling up my dress. This is going way too far. I open my eyes and look into his devilish eyes.

"You wanna know why I never look at you? That's because it kills me to see the monster that pretended to be someone that doesn't exist. This needs to stop. I can't take this pain anymore. I tried but I just can't. All my life I tried to make sure these things doesn't happen to other people but love made me blind and you had me walking that road of hell with you. It's over Leon." I said proudly on gaurd.

He laugh as he let go of me. He look away and laugh as he look back at me more aggressively. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." He throw his hand into my cheek.

I grab my cheek crying and looking at him.

"It's not over unless I say so." He grab me around my neck about to pick me up. His grib is too tight and it's hard to breath. I try to clap his hands off as he start grabbing me on uncomfortable places. This is nothing like I planned. Infact this is way out of my gender.

He finally let go of me as I finally got breath.

"Don't try your luck on me you spoilt brad." He punch my in the face with his fist as I hit the floor. I cry laying on the floor as he kick me in the stomach about four times before he walk out taking his bike keys. It hurt so much.

I crawl up to the house phone and manage to get it to me on the floor. I type in Evan's number which I sort of knew out of my head.

"Hello?" He answer.

"Evan..." I struggled to breath a bit.

"Liz? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this." I managed to say.

"Liz, what's going on?" He asked hurriedly.

"I'm sorry." I passed out. Everything around me went dead just like me. Dead from the inside, dead from the outside.

love made me blindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora