Bruce - Repair

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Tony. Panic. Screams seared through my sleep-clouded head. I sat bolt upright suddenly disorientated but desperate to find him. Right. Next. To. Me.

Uh oh.

I was in Tony's room. In his bed. Shit! I must have fallen asleep here. Tony.

'Tony... Tony, wake up. It's just a dream. Hey, its just a dream...' Tony sat up shivering and drenched. He looked over at me with such panic in his eyes, that I was petrified. I shuffled over to him and wrapped my arms around him gently. 'Shuuuush' I cooed soothingly. He shook and trembled in my arms, tears rolling down his face, 'shuuush' I said again.

We stayed like that for some hours. With me rubbing his back and him crying into my shoulder. Eventually, when the trembling subsided and the crying turned to occasional sobs, I pushed him backwards slightly so I was looking him in the eyes. Except he was looking down and his crossed legs. I held his shoulders, 'Tony?' I asked gently, almost in a whisper.

He looked up. His eyes red and tired, but void of emotion. Void of emotion, yes. Void of the trauma, stress, pain, hurt and sadness, no.

I sat in front of a broken man today, and promised myself that I would, even if it killed me, bring back the man that I loved. 'That was cheesy.' Oh shit, did I just say that out loud?!

Tony looked at me. Well Shit. I did say that out loud, how do I explain that?

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