Tony - Panic

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Ugh, my head hurts. Well Tony, congratulations, I think to myself, you've managed to make another failure of an invention blow up in your own face. I know I'm awake, but I just don't know where and I don't want to open my eyes because I want to stay asleep for longer, this was the first time I'd not been woken by the nightmares. Oh boy, I have a lot of explaining to do as soon as I wake up--- "Tony? Tony?" That voice definitely doesn't belong to Pepper and JARVIS calls me Sir... So, who is in my house in whichever room I'm in? Ugh, I have to open my eyes. Light floods in as I open my eyes. 'Bruce?' Bruce was sitting on the end of my bed, in my room. 'Hi Tony' he said, as if him being on my bed in my room was nothing. A weird warm feeling crept across me, I felt okay, and I smiled at him, sincerely. He smiled back. I heard someone move in the corner, it was Pepper. ' Don't you ever worry me like that again Tony! ' she's been crying, her eyes are red and puffy, I must have really scared and hurt her. Pepper looks at Bruce, they exchange some kind of eye contact before she walks over to him, 'Thank you' she whispers to him. Now I'm confused. She walks over to me, and looks down at me with a sad look in her eyes. Then she leans down very slowly and kisses my cheek, I just sit there. I don't feel anything.Oh no, this cannot be happening, I love Pepper more than anything, and yet when she kissed me, I felt nothing, and then she pulled away from me. She left without a backwards glance. 'Tony?' asks Bruce.

'What happened?' I said harshly,why did I say it like that, I don't want to hurt him. He looks slightly taken aback, and then he seems to shake it.

' I came into Stark Tower this morning to find Pepper in the kitchen in tears, she told me you were in the lab and that you wouldn't wake up, and that she hadn't called earlier because the power had been out, but unless you had turned off all the power in the building and some of the New York City area, that's not possible. Remind me to ask about that after I have finished telling you about what happened. Anyway, I went downstairs and found you and after searching for what might have caused it, I asked JARVIS for some water, that might be able to wake you up. I know that you were doing drunk science Tony, I know what you were trying to create...' My heart stopped when he said that. What if he knows I was watching him? What would I say? Would I just deny everything and shut him out? No, I couldn't do that, I need him. But how would he react? What if's raced around my head threatening to spill from my mouth, I felt ill, dizzy even. 'Bruce, I'm going to be sick.'

'What? Oh Tony, its the hangover, that's what it is. ' he says calmly, I shake my head in response and make a dash for the bathroom. I get there in time and am violently sick. I heard Bruce come in and run the tap. He passes me a cold, damp flannel and I wipe my face with it, this seems to help a little. He sits next to me on the floor of the bathroom and gives me a sympathetic look. 'Oh Tony. What happened?' he asks gently. I look him in the eyes and ready myself to say something and then I turn quickly and throw up again. 'Tony, am I really that ugly that I make you puke?' he jokes. As I'm leaning over the toilet, I shake my head in response. 'Then what made you so sick so fast?' he looks quizzically at me. This time I don't look at him, maybe if I don't look at him, I won't throw-up? 'Ugh' I groan, 'I'll ask about the power later and remember I won't forget it.' he states before I can speak. I guess now is as good a time as any to tell him.

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