Bruce - Big Brother

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I wanted to see Tony sleep some more; he was snoring quietly and it was adorable, ugh, I mentally kicked myself. Keep your head Banner! Looking around I noticed a screen was still open, not completely shut down. With my curiosity aroused, I walked to the screen and blew it up so I could see what he had been doing... "Poptarts? Living poptarts? At 3 am? What the hell Tony?" I said into thin air. Wait, there was a second window behind it. I slid my hand across the holographic screen and pulled the other screen to the front. Video feed? It was the video feed from my room? My room at 2:30 am? That must have been around, oh no. It was around 2:30 when I had gotten up. I had been looking for a photo of me and Tony, just after the "New York Incident". The photo was of me and Tony with our arms around each others shoulders, smiling. Why was Tony watching me, I hope he didnt see to much- Tony stirred in his drunken-slumber. I turned to watch him, I decided that maybe I should try to wake him now. I slowly walked over to him, smiling to myself. Hesitating, I tapped his shoulder, he stirred but didn't wake. "He is quite a heavy sleeper." I remarked to myself, before storing it in my mental folder for information about Tony. I blew cold air down the back of his neck, and he jolted in his sleep, hmmmm, interesting. He had the same reactions as I did. But he still wasn't awake. I needed him to wake up, soon. 

I ran around, making as much noise as possible. I had tried almost everything I could think of to wake Tony. But he was still asleep. I returned to him and sat across from him and pondered on what to try next. "Oh my God! I'm such an idiot!" I ranted at myself for not thinking of it sooner! "Water! Ummm, J.A.R.V.I.S.?" I mumbled uncertainly. "Yes Sir?" came J.A.R.V.I.S's automated voice. "Can you tell Miss Potts to bring me down some water?" I asked. "Sir, she seems to be upset, shall I bother her or turn on the water dispenser in the Lab?" replied the automatic P.A.  I had completely forgotten about the water in the Lab! "Turn on the water here please JARVIS?" I said with a bit more confidence. As I finished my sentence, the water came on. I ran over to the dispenser and grabbed the cup that was now full of water, as an after-thought I also grabbed a spoon of the side. I ran as fast as I could back to Tony, without spilling all the water. I took the spoon and poured some of the water in to it. I carefully tipped his head backwards and put the spoon to his lips, it felt natural to help him, and as I tipped the contents of the spoon into the mouth, I couldn't help but smile. I smiled even brighter when he started to show sign of waking up. I looked around and decided he would probably feel more comfortable if he woke up and knew where he was. I put my arm around his waist and balanced his arm around my neck, and got ready to take him upstairs to his room, smiling as I went.

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