Episode 15: Level Up

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We rewind a little back before the big explosion, so our hearts can be pummeled again as we watch Bong-soon scream out for Min-hyuk to leave her. Min-hyuk promises that they’re in this together no matter the outcome. Don’t make me live through this again!

A column of light breaks through the darkness and returns Bong-soon’s powers after she begs for the strength to save Min-hyuk. She frees herself, then runs off and whips the bomb into the air. Min-hyuk and Bong-soon hold each other as the sky lights up. Down in the crowd, Jang-hyun looks up in confusion as everyone else cheers at the light show. He puts two and two together and realizes his defeat, then leaves thwarted.

Bong-soon fusses over Min-hyuk’s injured hand, promising to buy him some new clothes when she gets paid, which he intends to hold her to. He faces her, and begins to say something but is interrupted by the sound of Bong-soon’s rumbling stomach.

He finds it super adorable, of course, and smiles, then leads her out for some well-earned udon. As they eat, she gets a text from Dad telling her to hurry home. Min-hyuk’s disappointed, but manages to hold it in, since he understands that Dad’s probably very worried. Then Bong-soon suddenly suggests she not go home tonight, and he chokes in surprise.

He can barely keep it together as excitement buzzes through him. Bong-soon notices his overreaction and scoffs as she asks what he’s imagining. He denies letting his imagination run wild, but breaks into this wiiiide grin, then gets up to flap his jacket and cool himself down from the sudden attack.

After they eat, Bong-soon offers to drive but instead of replying yea or nay, he gears up to suggest they stay together for the night, with a sincere glint in his eyes. His phones rings before he can finish his question, and he answers the call annoyed, but changes his tune immediately when he realizes it’s Bong-soon’s father.

Min-hyuk assures Dad that he’s taking Bong-soon home right away, but when he hangs up it looks as if that promise has killed a little bit of him inside. He’s resigned to his fate, and drags himself to the car like a soulless body, hehe.

They arrive outside her house, and he manages to say his goodbye without too much disappointment. But when she tells him to sleep well, he grumps to himself bitterly: If she wanted him to, then why did she say that?

She takes his hand and says with a smile, “Today was the happiest day of my life.” The weight of those words land fully on Min-hyuk and his heart swells. He waves goodbye, though clearly not wanting to leave, and realizes he’s not going to sleep at all tonight.

At home, Min-hyuk reflects on the long evening: He recalls the way Bong-soon pleaded for him to leave and save himself. And says aloud, “How can I leave?” then muses, “You were trying to save me…” He’s moved by her deep care for him, and lingers over the words.

Meanwhile, in her bed, Bong-soon is filled with similar thoughts and remembers him pledging never to leave. She thinks back to his promise from an earlier episode, where he vowed to protect her.

And then her mind drifts to their kiss on beach, where they literally joined hearts. She sits up to send him a text, but then changes her mind before she can put down any of her thoughts.

As he predicted, that night Min-hyuk can’t find sleep. Bong-soon’s proposal echoes through his mind, (seriously girl, why you gotta playus him like that?) and he jumps to his feet to let out a roar of frustration, then begins vigorously exercising to burn off the tension. HA.

He works up a sweat and manages to curtail his, uh, wishfulness, but then just as he’s in the clear, Bong-soon’s voice rings through his head again and offers not to go home for the night, and so he drops to the floor for some push-ups.

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