Episode 5: Seems as if They're a Friend, Yet Not!

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Bong-soon rides the subway as she reflects on her chance encounter with the kidnapper. We flash back to that moment as she belatedly makes the connection, then as she frantically tried to chase after him. Unfortunately, the trail went cold, so instead, she tapped into her other senses and attempts to piece together more details, like how he smelled of rusted metal and gasoline.

The subway groper (from Episode 1) is at it again, but today, he isn’t so lucky. Bong-soon spots him feeling up a young woman from behind, and for a second her gaze connects with the groper. He’s so certain that Bong-soon can’t do anything to stop him that he continues right on with his harassment and even taunts her to do something.

Internally, Bong-soon wonders, “Would the world become a better place if I used my power properly?” Then she glares up at the groper, ready to make things right.

The scene skips ahead to Bong-soon playing it cool as she exits the subway car. The camera pans back inside to a crowd surrounding the groper, who flails like a fish on the ground as he clutches his unnaturally bent finger and screams in agony. Yeah, girl!

At AinSoft, Bong-soon stares up at a poster of an armor-clad female warrior holding a trident. The top of the poster reads: “Chronicle of Albertan,” AinSoft’s new game. She wonders to herself what it would be like if such women existed in the real world, and then suddenly the trident materializes off the poster and drifts into her hands, as if bequeathing her with its higher purpose.

Min-hyuk appears at the moment to burst her daydream, snapping her back to reality. He acts normal as he greets her and stares thoughtfully at the energy drink she offers him before announcing that they should “get rid of her hangover.”

They relocate to a restaurant to dine on some spicy soup. In between bites, Min-hyuk inquires after the pager fastened around her wrist. She cradles the gift as if it were fine jewelry but then fumbles to find the English words to describe what it’s called. (As always, he has to correct her, and this time the word she was looking for was “wearable” rather than “wearobo,” ha.)

After Bong-soon chirps that it was a gift from Gook-doo, a weird look crosses Min-hyuk’s face, but he doesn’t say anything. She explains what it’s for, and Min-hyuk comments cryptically that he hopes she won’t need to use it.

She then recounts her brief encounter with the kidnapper, which fills Min-hyuk with worry as he tosses out the idea of hiring some extra muscle to protect them, but Bong-soon reassures him that she’ll protect him.

She promises him in such a sweet way that he brightens up immediately and is barely able to hide the smile growing on his face. The moment doesn’t last long though, as he challenges her declaration with a reminder of what she said to him last night during her drunken tirade.

Bong-soon sputters to defend herself, but Min-hyuk pointedly warns her not to drink anymore, then changes the topic to Secretary Gong’s imminent return to work.

For a moment, Bong-soon worries about being misplaced, but Min-hyuk points out that she’s still his bodyguard. He acts in his usual persnickety way, but when she isn’t looking, he gazes at her tenderly.

They return to Min-hyuk’s office, where he shows Bong-soon her newly built study area and points out the English textbooks he’s prepared for her. She pouts at the diss, but then perks up when he tells her that he’ll be in lockdown mode working on Chronicles of Albertan until it goes live.

She tries to aegyo her way onto his development team, but he shoots her down, since they’ve yet to capture his blackmailer.

Bong-soon sulks as she settles into her adorable little deskhouse, while Min-hyuk puts on his competent CEO hat. She copies down a few vocabulary words like “meat,” and “beef” (haha, they’re all food words), but she’s more focused on listening to Min-hyuk fire out orders to his team and sneaking glances at his computer.

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