I'd never be meant for this life.

I scooted away from Sebastian, creating more space between us.

I pushed my hair from my face and stood up, not meeting his eye. "I should go."

He stood up with me. "Hey, wait, I didn't mean to-"

I stepped away from him and shook my head. "Sebastian, please."

He ignored my pleas and followed after me, placing his hands on my hips. The contact made my body freeze. My heart beat loudly in my chest.

"Just talk to me." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

My shoulders dropped in defeat. Being around Sebastian made me want to stop fighting, but I knew nothing good would come from me giving in. I was already losing control of myself.

My heart felt heavy. Things were always so easy with Sebastian. When he looked at me, I never saw judgements or expectations. I had always been good enough the way that I am- until now.

"Sebastian," My voice was weak as a wave of fatigue fell over my body. "I can't-"


I straightened up at the sound of a familiar voice calling my name. Sebastian and I both turned toward the sound to find Angela approaching us. She had an unhappy expression on her face and her shoes hit aggressively against the tiled floors.

Her eyes zeroed in on Sebastian's arm, which was still wrapped securely around my waist.

"What are you doing?" She asked me immediately. "I thought you were going to watch our practice."

"Yes," I nodded, feeling guilty. "I was, but Molly asked me to help her with an essay. I was on my way to the library."

Her shoulders relaxed slightly at my explanation. She glanced over at Sebastian warily.

"I have to get back to practice." She shifted her weight.

"Right. I can help Molly a different time, I'll go with you." I said, making Angela smile.

"Good." She said, sounding pleased with my decision.

I turned to Sebastian. "I'll see you later." I told him, keeping my eyes down.

He reluctantly released his hold on me and stepped back. "Fine. But we'll talk later, right?"

I hesitated and bit my lip. With a sigh I nodded. "Yes, we'll talk later."

Talking. What good would that do? I couldn't even hold a normal conversation.

I turned and followed Angela down the hallway, ignoring the feeling of Sebastian's gaze on my back.

"So," Angela said once we were out of hearing range of Sebastian. "What were you two talking about?"

I pressed my lips together. Something told me it would be best if Angela didn't know about the bullies, or the panic attack and especially not the kiss. None of it would end well.

"Nothing important." I told her, hoping she wouldn't question me further.

She pursed her lips. "I still think it's a bad idea for you to be spending so much time with him." She pulled me to a stop and turned to face me. "Has he tried anything with you?"

My eyes widened. "What does that mean?"

"I mean, like asking you out, or kissing you." She elaborated and my stomach dropped.

I cleared my throat, and searched my mind for a decent answer. I didn't want to lie, but I didn't want Angela to know the truth.

"What does asking out mean?" I asked instead. I actually didn't know the meaning, though it was a simple enough term that I could assume what it was.

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