Chapter 1

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I came back from visiting my family in the cold winter days in Canada. When I got off the plane the wave of heat hit me, I could smell the salty air from the seas around me.

I took a deep breath in, "AAHH it's good to be home!" I whispered to myself.

I got a taxi and when I got home to Tamarama I was so tired from flying on a plane for a gruelling 24 hour flight I was exhausted and had extreme jet leg so I decided to take a nap. I plopped on my bed and soon enough fell into a deep sleep as I was spread across my bed.


Next morning I woke up to my alarm going off. I completely forgot to turn it off so it wouldn't wake me up this early in the morning.

"Shut up, shut up." I scrunched my nose as I stretched to shut phone up. I turned off my alarm while yawning. The early sun was peeking through the blinds. I looked over and saw my bag was still packed, I groaned to myself.

"Well someones got to unpack it." I growled

After that I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I poured a bowl of cereal and started eating it. I could hear my self crunch, man I hate when it's quiet in here.

After I put my bikini on I was almost ready to go to the famous beach called "Bondi" since I never went there yet because I was busy with work and visiting my family. But my vacation isn't over yet, I still have two weeks before I have to go to work again.

I got my towel, my keys, book, and sun glasses, then swung the door open, as soon as I did a huge gust of hot air hit my face. Holly shit it's scorching! Oh boy.. the beach is going to be packed. I stepped out and shut the door behind me, then locked it.


After I finally found a spot in the Bondi parking lot I took my keys out of the ignition, then I got out of my car, locked it, and walked over to the beach. I stepped on the hot soft sand of Bondi beach, it only took a few seconds before the skin on my feet started to burn, Holly crap! The sand is even hotter! I bit my bottom lip and started to hop down the beach.

I sucked in a sharp breath, "OW HOT OW FUCKIING HOT!" I whispered to myself while looking down at my feet as I hopped.

While I was busy looking at my feet I didn't notice there was a guy in the midst of picking up his sunglasses and bumped into him. We hit heads making me fall on my butt. All of my stuff went everywhere. You got to be kidding me! I'm so damn clumsy! My head was pounding while it spun a little.

"OW! Sorry." I rubbed my head and looked up and saw handsome guy with dark brown hair and icy blue eyes in a blue lifeguard shirt. Damn! He's hotter then the sand!

"Oh sorry. Are you ok?" He asked helping me up.

"Yeah just my head hurts little bit that's all." I said still rubbing my head.

"Here let me help you" He said picking up some of my stuff and I help too.

"Thanks" I said my head still throbbing. 

"You ok? You got quite the bump ther-" before he could finished a near by surfer knocked me with his board making me trip over my leg. The lifeguard took quick action and caught me in a dip, him and I's face only inches apart.

He cleared his throat and stood me upright. I blushed, "Uh thanks." I smiled shyly looking away.

"No problem, it's what I do." He smirked making my blush more. "Well I have to get back on duty so I'll see you around? Maybe you and I can hang out when I'm on me lunch break."

"Yeah sure, that would be great."

"Okay great me lunch break is at around elevenish."

"All right see you then." I smiled then walked away.

Man I can't find any where to lay down and read my book. An idea popped in my head. I can lay by the lifeguard stand I just have to make sure I'm not in the way when an emergency happens.

I found the perfect spot right in the shade and not in the way of any lifeguards. I stretched my towel on top of the sand and I laid on the towel and got my book out and started reading.

About 20 minutes later I got bored of the book and wanted to go for a quick jog. I hid all my belongings under the lifeguard tower's stairs. I jogged mildly to the 'dangerous current' sign and then jogged to the red and yellow flags. I decided to go for a swim to cool off.

As I got in the cool water I could feel it cooling my hot skin. I moaned at the feeling of relief of the hot sticky sun that hit my skin while I jogged.

I must have not been paying attention because I didn't know that I was so to the rip. My feet were touching one minute, then not. I couldn't feel the sand bank anymore, I tried to catch a wave to help me get back to shore but instead I got gulped by the wave.

I swam back up above water only to be caught by another wave my lungs were running out of air. Again, I swam back above the water only to get caught by another wave. My lungs were trying to to catch air but couldn't as I kept my mouth shut. I was to weak to try and swim up again because of the lack of air, but I shot my hand up only to that my hand was above water. I tried to kick my legs only to find it wasn't helping. I could feel my heart rate slowdown.

A strong firm hand grabbed mine and pulled me up, I gasped for air. He put me half on the lifeguard broad I heaved for air feeling light headed.

"You alright?" I looked up to find that it was the same lifeguard that caught me.

I didn't have the air to respond I just laid there with the side of my face pressed against the blue broad as a breathes heavily. I put a thumbs up and then flopped my arm back down.

"Okay lay on your belly and keep your legs on either of my body." I did what he told me. Damn boy, I would keep my legs on either side of you anytime you asked. Fuck Vanessa get your head out of the gutter! When the lifeguard was about to paddle back to shore a near by surfer, the same fucking surfer, had surfed over us. The lifeguard managed to duck but I wasn't as lucky, I got hit in the head knocking me unconscious.

   Author's note
I hope you guys like it so far! If you new you don't have to worry about this but for the peeps that already read this, I have edited this book.

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