
Everyone came closer to listen at Jungkook at the other line.

"Where is Sunny?"

("She's with me why?")-Jungkook.

"Why did you guys skip class?"

("Are you jealous?")-Jungkook said while he was obviously laughing.

Then suddenly Hoseok did the same until everyone laughed.

"Its not that! I told you I won't be jealous! Jimin is just worried about his sister."

("More like you're more worried.")-Jungkook.

("HAHAHAHA! Ok fine I'm gonna be serious. Sunny is sick thats why she can't go to school because I couldn't leave her alone here in the house. Again because she's sick.")-Jungkook.


("Its ok hyung. I'll take care of her.")-Jungkook.

"You better do that. Btw I'll make sure to go home early later. Just be with our turtle ok?"-Jimin.

("I will.")-Jungkook.

"Sunny is a princess according to Hoseok."

"Well then she's your princess maybe?! Hahahahahah!"-Hoseok.

I glared at him.

("Seriously?! I thought you're going to give up on her?!")-Jungkook.

"I am. I mean I already did! Fine she's your princess now. Happy?"



("She's MY turtle. MINE. Remember that Kim Taehyung. Bye!)-Jungkook.

Then he hung up. I was left frozen with his words.

Then I noticed they were all looking at me. Except for Mi Sun-- wait I shouldn't mind her presence.

"Well who's gonna win this one?"-Yoongi.

"Will our Taetae let Jungkook win?"-Jin.

"Or will he fight for Sunny?"-Nam Joon.

"Then you better be kind to me."-Jimin.


"Jungkook wins. I told you I gave up on Sunny. I didn't even plan to confess to her but because of his brother right here, I had no choice but to confess."

"Ok... then what about Mi Sun? You guys are getting back together--Hey!"-Hoseok yelled in pain when I kicked his leg.

"You shut your mouth Hyung. Its not a good topic. You better burn those memories and let it disappear like dust in the air."

I walked out and left everyone there.

I just can't talk about that. I don't want to feel the pain again.

Sunny's POV:

I woke up and surprised to see that Jungkook was no longer at my side.

Maybe he left.

I was about to stand up but I realized I was still dizzy for it so I end up falling back to my bed.

"You're really stubborn."-Jungkook.

I was shocked to see him sitting beside me.

"You startled me."

I sat on my bed

"Eat."-he said while trying to feed me with the soup he made.

"I don't wanna eat."

"You need to eat."-he said as he pushed the spoon in my mouth.

So I had no choice but to eat.

"There. Good turtle."-he said as he finished feeding me.

"Now drink this medicine. It will help a lot."-Jungkook.

I took the capsule and swallowed it as I drank water.

"So.. how are you feeling?"-Jungkook.

"I'm fine.. thanks a lot."

He smiled.


A caring angel is the best

~ g

Angel in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now