Chapter Fifteen

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Swiftbreeze had three new kits; Spottedkit, Willowkit, and Redkit. Before she knew it, the three were apprentices. Tigerpaw was the oldest apprentice and everyday, Leopardfoot couldn't feel more proud. She often spoke with Bluefur a lot, and one day, when Bluefur returned from a patrol, she noticed Bluefur's stomach was a little bigger.

"Are you expecting?" She asked Bluefur. The blue she-cat's eyes became surprised.

"What? I didn't know?!" Leopardfoot looked confused as Bluefur rushed to medicine cat den.

A few days later, Cherrypaw had been killed by a fox and Swiftbreeze tried to save her, but instead got a leg wound. Leopardfoot visited her in the medicine cat den. Swiftbreeze got weaker everyday. Featherwhisker tried to help as much as he could, but it seemed like the herbs weren't helping.

"Come on Swiftbreeze," Leopardfoot soothed, "I can't loose you like I lost Nightkit and Mistkit." Swiftbreeze's eyes were milky.

"You might have lost them," she croaked, "but you'll see them again in StarClan, just as you will see me." Before Leopardfoot could process what Swiftbreeze had said, she was still. Leopardfoot wheezed. She couldn't believe it. She lost her father, mother, mate, and two kits. She sobbed and Featherwhisker bent his head.

After Swiftbreeze was buried, Leopardfoot ran into Spottedpaw, her younger sister.

"I'm going to become a medicine cat," she meowed, "I could've saved Swiftbreeze." Leopardfoot nodded and moved away.

Three moons later, Patchpelt skipped up to his sister.

"Guess what Leopardfoot!" He smiled, "I'm going to have kits!"

"You are?" Leopardfoot grinned, "With who?"

"Robinwing!" Patchpelt added.

But wasn't Robinwing Fuzzypelt's mate? Leopardfoot thought but didn't dare to ask him about it. She was still happy of her brother.

That night, Sunstar announced Tigerpaw as Tigerclaw. Leopardfoot made sure to whoop the loudest in the crowd. He heard her and looked down to grin.

See Pinestar? Leopardfoot thought bitterly, My son has grown to become a warrior without your help!

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