Chapter Nine

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A week later, Leopardfoot stood outside Pinestar's den.

"Why aren't you sleeping with us tonight?" Patchpelt asked, a bit angry.

"Because I'm sleeping with Pinestar now," Leopardfoot sighed.

"I can't believe you're becoming his mate," Patchpelt sighed, "you're so young."

"I know," Leopardfoot agreed, "but I can love whoever I want, Patchpelt. I'm not replacing you, don't worry. You're my brother and I will always love you too."

Pinestar was licking his leg when Leopardfoot walked in. Soon, they both made nests and sat next to each other. They talked and laughed and licked each other.

Is this what love feels like? Leopardfoot thought happily. She fell asleep against Pinestar, the leader, but to her, he was her mate.

A moon later, Leopardfoot approached Swiftbreeze, who was sitting near the warriors den.

"Hi Swiftbreeze!" She smiled and sat next to her mother. She hadn't talked with her in a while.

"The whole clan's gossiping about you and Pinestar," Swiftbreeze snorted, "it felt like only yesterday when you were in the nursery, playing with Patchpelt. Now, you're having the leader's kits."

"Kits?!" Leopardfoot exclaimed, "Oh please, you're joking Swiftbreeze!" But she knew Swiftbreeze wasn't. Her belly was abnormally swollen.

"Well," she sighed, "I guess I am, I'm just scared."

"I'll be there with you." Swiftbreeze smiled, "I know all about being a mother." She winked and Leopardfoot smiled.

That night, everyone suggested Leopardfoot to move into the nursery.

"You don't want you and Pinestar's precious kits to get hurt in a hunting party or in a battle!" Stonepelt tried to persuade her.

"But I'll be the only queen there!" Leopardfoot argued.

"I'll keep her company," Patchpelt stood up.

"So will I," Swiftbreeze added.

Leopardfoot felt like a kit again, snuggled with her mother and brother. But she wasn't a kit. She fell asleep alongside her kin, remembering when she was young. Leopardfoot woke up to feel heavy kicks and stirs in her belly.

"You little kits are feisty ones," she whispered lovingly to her stomach, trying not to wake up her mother and brother, "let me sleep a little."

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