Chapter Four

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"You've been doing very well with hunting." Robinwing smiled. Leopardpaw beamed. She and her mentor trekked through the forest. Fuzzypelt and Patchpaw were next to them.

"I smell shrew!" Leopardpaw whispered.

"Good," Robinwing praised.

"She said that before I could," Patchpaw snorted. Fuzzypelt and Robinwing giggled. Leopardpaw noticed that Fuzzypelt and Robinwing spent a lot of time together.

Maybe they're in love? She thought, giggling in her thoughts.

"Who wants to hunt the shrew?" Fuzzypelt asked.

"Me!" Patchpaw yelled. The forest went quiet and Leopardpaw could sense the prey running away.

"Patchpaw!" Fuzzypelt scolded, "You scared off the prey!" Patchpaw's fur fluffed with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," he muttered.

"Oh Fuzzypelt," Robinwing sighed, "don't be so hard on him, besides, let's get back to camp now." The four cats began strolling back and Leopardpaw noticed Fuzzypelt placing his spiky tail on Robinwing's. It was definitely clear they were lovers.

"Did you notice as well?" She whispered to Patchpaw, insinuating at the love between Fuzzypelt and Robinwing.

"What?" Patchpaw asked.

He's more mouse-brained than I thought, Leopardpaw thought.

"Hey!" White-eye bounced up to Leopardpaw, "Did you hear what happened?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Goosefeather found some catmint in prey." White-eye explained, "He thinks we should attack WindClan and raid their medicine supply."

"What?!" Leopardpaw exclaimed in disbelief, "Catmint in prey? What does that have to do with WindClan?!" White-eye shrugged and strolled off. Leopardpaw turned to Adderfang.

"Can you believe that Pinestar is letting us attacking WindClan for no reason!"

"I think we should attack," Adderfang stared straight ahead. Leopardpaw's mouth dropped open. Her own father agreed with this madness!? She had no choice but to tag along, even though she didn't think it was right.

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