Chapter Ten

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Over time, Leopardfoot's stomach got more plump. Soon, Snowfur joined her in the nursery, carrying Thistleclaw's kits. Now that she wasn't alone, Swiftbreeze and Patchpelt left and returned to the warriors den. Leopardfoot talked with Snowfur often, remembering their kit and apprentice days, when they played all the time with Bluefur.

"Your kits are due in about one moon," Featherwhisker remarked as he felt around Leopardfoot's stomach. She nodded as he left.

"You know," Snowfur realized, "Pinestar hasn't been visiting a lot." Leopardfoot had thought about it, but didn't like to say it. Wouldn't Pinestar want to see how his mate and kits were progressing?

It was half a moon later, in the middle of the night, when Leopardfoot felt a shattering pain through her stomach, similar to when Ryestalk cut it as an apprentice. It felt like her lower body was on fire. Leopardfoot let out a wail that sent the Clan running to the nursery.

"They're coming!" Featherwhisker panicked.

"Already?" Goosefeather muttered, "They're early!" But Leopardfoot couldn't hear them. Her ears were ringing and she wheezed. She let out another howl as yet another contraption passed through. Swiftbreeze walked over and began to comfort her, but it didn't help. Leopardfoot wheezed and gagged.

"You can do it. You always were the strongest. And just think of the beautiful kits you'll have! They'll all be great warriors!" Bluefur pushed to the front and soothed her.

The pain went on through the night and finally, the next morning, there were three bundles huddled to Leopardfoot. Her legs felt like rubber and her stomach still ached.

"Why wasn't Pinestar here?!" Swiftbreeze snarled. Leopardfoot didn't answer, she was too exhausted to talk. All she could think about were the three helpless kits that she wrapped her tail protectively around them. One was a black she-kit who looked just like her, another was a gray she-kit, who looked just a little like Swiftbreeze. The last was a tom, who had a fluffy amber coat with stripes. Tiger stripes. Bluefur, who was also there visiting Leopardfoot and her sister began licking her paws.

"I have names for them," Leopardfoot croaked.

"You do?" Bluefur asked, "What are they?"

"Mistkit for the gray one, Nightkit for the black one, and Tigerkit for the tom" Leopardfoot decided.

"Tigerkit's a fierce one," Bluefur breathed.

"He must have been the one who kicked me all the time," Leopardfoot joked, amazingly she was able to do so being in pain for hours.

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