Chapter 1: Lilith Black

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“My name is Mrs.Harwood, and I will be your drama teacher for the rest of your school year this year!” She introduces, everyone murmured a ‘hi’ or ‘hey’. She wasn’t happy with the unenergetic response she got and stood up. “Are you all actors or school students?” She snapped. Everyone looked at her and answered almost immediately, “Actors!” She clasped her hands together. “Great! Now im sure you all know each other after 6 years of schooling- BUT, I still need to do the traditional introduction talks.” She says. I groaned and crossed my arms.

Suddenly the door barged open, and, in came the one and only Dave Gregory, as soon as he entered those doors, it was like Vogue photographers were here or something, minus the camera and photographer. His hair was swept back, his eyes were vibrant, his lips were pulled into a sexy smirk and his tight, white shirt clung onto his toned stomach, you could slightly see the outline of his abs. I swear I saw all the girls start drooling. I stayed silent as he walked in like a god. He casually sat down in the middle of the room, next to Brooke, one of his other girlfriends, he immediately swung his arm over her shoulders and kissed her, god this guy was disgusting, he was just with Lissa a second ago. I shook my head and looked away. 

“David, why, are you late to my class?” Scowled Mrs.Harwood. I frowned, how did she know Dave if she was a new teac- “Sorry mom.” He scowled back, rolling his dark eyes. My eyes widened in shock. My eyes flashed back to Mrs.Harwood then back to Dave, they had nothing in common, apart from their eye colour and hair shade. Mrs.Harwood threw him a glare, “Right, everyone I will choose groups of 4 out of two hats, 2 girls and 2 boys. You will have 3 lessons to produce a play remake of the movie I give you. You will choose one scene; it must go for at least 5 minutes and max 15 minutes. I expect good work from you lot, this is the highest drama class in the school.” She says professionally. Nothing like Dave. At. All.

Suspense fills the air as she puts her hand in one hat, similar to the Michael Jackson one’s. She lifts her arm, and I stifle a giggle, it looked exactly like the scene in the Hunger Games where Effie Trinket chooses her two victors. “Victoria Williams and Lilith Black.” She calls, I smirk, then blink, wait, what. That was me. I looked at Victoria, she was one of the not popular, but not unknown people, she was just below popular. She was a gymnast in our school; she had long blonde hair and green eyes. She frowned looking around. “Who’s Lilith?” She asks, and everyone bursts out in laughter. I feel my face burning in embarrassment, she scowls at everyone’s reaction, her face softens as I slowly stand up, brushing dirt off my high-waisted jeans and straightening my singlet.

She smiles at me and walks over to me. “Hey! I’m Victoria. Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you before, I just, never have spoken to you before.” She says kindly. I just give her a half smile. “It’s fine.” I say softly. She beams at me. We wait for the boys chosen to be in our group. I have a sickening feeling that Dave was going to be in our group. I crossed my fingers and shut my eyes, praying. 

“Liam Vance and,” She says.

Please not Dave, please not Dave, please not- 

“Dave Gregory.”

 I hate my life. I really do.

After sixth period ended, we had our groups ready and we all agreed to go to Dave’s house. We had the scene of a break-up from some modern film I hadn’t seen yet. We all had to try out for each part in our group next lesson, Victoria was confident so im sure she would get the main role, though I wasn’t just going to hand the role over to her, even though this wasn’t a real film audition, I still needed to practice and fight to get the role. Liam and Dave were both on the football team, so they were talking the whole time, Victoria and I, discussed the characters, since I haven’t seen the film yet. It was about a young, rich girl who fell in love with, pretty much a peasant, then she finds out he cheated on her with a girl in his village and they argue and then break up. There’s a lot of passion, crying, screaming and dedication into this one 5 minutes scene. I took a photo of the script and says my farewells to Victoria, ignoring Dave and Liam as I ran out of class to my lockers before I got shoved by people who wanted to go home.

 As I slid my books into my locker I got a text from my sister.

LISS: Meet me in bathrooms now. Please. Its an emergency. I need you.

I frowned at the text and locked my locker, heading towards the bathrooms, it was locked. I knocked on the door. “Lissa?” I yelled. A few seconds later the door opened and my eyes widened when I saw Lissa looking like a mess. Her makeup that she spent hours putting on this morning were all over her face like she had been crying, her hands were black from rubbing her eyes filled with eyeliner and mascara and her normally perfectly straight hair was in a mess.

I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped my lips. “Oh my f- what happened Lissa?!” I cried, running to her and giving her a hug, she sobbed and hiccupped. I knew this had something to do with Dave, I just knew it.

“It’s D-dave. He b-broke up with m-me.” She chocked. I scowled, damn I kept jinxing myself today, but I knew this would happen someday. I shut my eyes, breathing calmly. “Why?” I asked. It was probably a ridiculous excuse.

“Because he..i…he g-got bored o-of m-me.” She cried hysterically. My eyes widened. Ouch, that was a harsh break-up. I held her shaky hands and wiped her face with wet tissues and sighed. “Liss, I told you. He’s a dickhead. And he’s going to pay for breaking your heart.” I promised, wiping her tears. Her eyes widened. “How? No one can ever make him ‘pay’.” She whispers hoarsely.

 Mother once said that every guy’s fear was having his heart broken. A smirk crept up my face.

“We’re going to give him a taste of his own medicine.” I replied. 

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