Chapter 2: Dave Gregory

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Dave Gregory

“Hey Dave!” Giggled a few girls walking past me as I made my way to last period, which was Drama. With my freaking step-mom. It was hard to hate her when she was so freaking nice to everyone. Seriously, she could make peace between God and Satan.

I casted the girls a smirk before I looked at my phone where I had my girlfriend schedule.

First Period: English (Britney)

Second Period: Mathematics (Jane)

Third Period: Chemistry (Lissa)

Fourth Period: PDHPE (Jasmine and Courtney)

Fifth Period: Drama (Brooke) 

Brooke, I had Brooke next. I was planning to break up with one of the Queens from the cheerleading group. You see, every popular social group in our school had a particular “Queen” or “King” which is just like a leader. I was the “King” of the Football/Hockey group. You don’t really get a choice to be King or Queen…It kind of just happens. So I’m breaking up with Lissa Black, the leader of the Cheerleaders, she just got so clingy. Like obsessive clingy. I made it perfectly clear that if we were dating I didn’t want any public affection inside of school, and what does she do? Hold my hand at recess. No, that wasn’t the first time she did that, she kissed me on the cheek, yelled my name and blew me kisses, and god she was annoying.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books before heading towards class before I saw Lissa and headed towards her, she was outside doing cheer practice. She saw me and grinned, running from her squad and was about to jump on me before I caught her waist and pushed her against the bleachers. She frowned and flicked her blonde hair aside. “Dave? What’s wrong?” She says innocently. Her blue eyes locked with mine, I sighed and looked away. The same process I did every month, I surprised at how naïve these girls were, thinking I was actually going to fall In love with them, even though they know of my one-month flings every time. I put my hand on my neck as if I felt guilty.

“Look Br…babe.” I said slowly. Shit, I almost called her Brooke. Damn, that was a close one. You see I date girls from different cliques or girls that I know would never make contact or communicate with each other. Except for the nerds, geeks, freak, whatever they’re name tagged now a days.

“I can’t do this anymore, it’s not me, it’s you.” I said straightforwardly. Her eyes widened in shock. Oh, looked like Princess wasn’t used to being rejected. Her lips parted. “Excuse me?!” she hissed, nervously looking around, making sure no one could hear us. I rolled my eyes. Typical. She was scared someone was watching. 

“You heard me Princess.” I shrugged, stepping back. This was the part where they bawl their eyes out and beg their lives to be my girlfriend again or beg on their knees, wanting to know why. But the truth is ugly, and will hurt.

“Obviously I fucken heard you, you dick head!” She scowled, her fists clenching. I yawned purposely, unfazed by her words. “I’ve been called worse Princess.” I smirked, cracking my neck side to side. She watches me, every move I make clearly angers her. “WHY? Why are you breaking up with me! I gave you everything!” She cried desperately, tears pathetically falling down from her wide blue eyes.

I sighed. “You don’t want to kn-“ I started but she threw me a glare. “Tell. Me.” She snapped, narrowing her eyes. I shrugged, her fault. She wanted to know the ugly truth. “You’re. Not. Good. Enough.” I said emotionlessly, her eyes widened again. I stepped back, waiting for the screaming, or crying, or begging. “I HATE YOU DAVE GREGORY. LILITH WAS FUCKING RIGHT! I CHOSE YOU OVER HER!” She screamed and dangerously steeped forward and slapped me, my face twitched to the side as I felt the burn of the slap. My jaw clenched. If she weren’t a girl I would have punched her by now. 

My eyes narrowed down at her. “Leave before I do something we’ll both regret.” I hissed. She bit her lip, swallowing back tears and ran off to the bathrooms. I shook my head, I know, I sounded like a douche, well I was, but I was only being honest. She wasn’t my dream girl. The reason why I was dating over 12 girls a year was because I was still looking for ‘The One’. I sighed and made my way to class.

Crap. I had Kimberly teaching me for drama, I forgot! Damn it, dad was going to kill me when he finds out I was late to his wife’s class. I ran to the drama rooms and barged in, 18 sets of eyes swung to me. Kimberley scowled when she saw me; I sheepishly smiled then my eyes locked with Brooke, my other girlfriend. She giggled as I headed towards her and swing my arm over her thin shoulders and kissed her.

“David, why are late to my class?” Scowled Kimberley. I smirked and cocked my head to the side. “Sorry mom.” I said mockingly, the whole class looked at me in shock, I shrugged and leant back as Kimberly shook her head at me with a half smile. She cleared her throat and put her hand in a hat, I frowned in confusion but my attention turned to Brooke who was tracing shapes on my arm and leaning her head on my shoulder, giggling every 3 seconds. Looks like I’ve found my next heart to break. 

“Victoria Williams and Lilith Black.” She calls; I raised my eyebrow, who the hell was Lilith Black? Victoria stood up and looked around also confused. Victoria was an ex-cheerleader that I dated last year, she got kicked out of cheer when I dumped her. I felt really bad about that so I made sure she became captain of the gymnastics team and still held some kind of reputation and didn’t become a total loser. We became friends after that, she’s the only ex that I stayed friends with. She had long, straight, red hair, green eyes and was extremely fit and muscly. She was hot but she wasn’t exactly my type. She was a nice girl and everything though; she was more of a best friend kind of girl.

“Who’s Lilith?” Victoria asks in confusion, I couldn’t help the burst of laughter that came out of my mouth, everyone else laughed too. Kimberly and Victoria glared at everyone, Kimberly was big on the whole “No Bullying and Social Status” thing and hated anyone who was a bully, well she knows about me playing different girls, but, I told her my reason of finding the one and even though she disapproved of my method, she accepted.

Suddenly a girl stood up. She had medium length, wavy brown hair and wore modest clothing, high-waist denim jeans and a black singlet, it showed off her curves, her eyes were the most blue I’ve seen in my life and she looked extremely nervous. Clearly she wasn’t the most confident girl, which was strange for a drama class. 

Victoria, being the nice girl she was went up to her and started to talk to her. Kimberly cleared her throat again, getting the classes attention as she stuck her hand in the hat and stuck her hand out dramatically. “Liam Vance and Dave Gregory.” She said my name with a singsong voice; I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking to my group. I swear I saw that Lily girl glare at me. What the hell was her problem?

Kimberly finished off everyone’s groups and handed each group a “theme”, we, unfortunately, got the theme of romance/break-up. And Victoria came up with a sappy, cheesy story of a peasant boy falling in love with a stuck up, rich girl, then the guy cheats on her and then they break up. Dramatically. Victoria and Lily or whatever her name was wrote the script whilst Liam and I talked about next season of football and girls. 

The bell rung as Lily and Victoria took a photo of the script, I took out my phone, I had (6) messages from Britney, (2) messages from Jane and a missed call from Courtney, I rolled my eyes and took a quick photo of the script and jumped up to go home.

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