Chapter 7: Just For Two

Start from the beginning

Marie comes to my side, nudging my arm.

"It's fine Elvis." She exclaims in a cheery tone.

Before sitting on it, Marie stops as another knock is heard. I sigh and open the door. Our wedding photographer waves at Marie and I. I let him in as Marie lifts a brow.

"I hired him again for pictures." I proudly say crossing my arms.

She laughs and shakes his hand.

"Smart move, Presley." She says in a sarcastic tone.

I roll my eyes and kiss her cheek. The photographer leads us to how the pictures should look. The nurse shy's away to a corner of the room as Marie and I smile bright at the camera showing off our newborn. We take hundreds of photos and finally it was time to leave.

I help Marie in the wheel chair as she cradles Emilio in her arms. This time, he has a white plush blanket wrapped around him as his eyes glance around the room, curious. We all leave our room, Joe would be checking us out for the time being. Marie glances up at me as we make it inside the elevator, police I hired surround us just to make sure the press don't try anything. I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes with a smile. I feel at ease as we make our way to the entrance. From the corner of my eye, I see Marie preparing herself for the mob of press as she kisses Emilio on the forehead. The level of safety I feel somewhat grows as more policemen surround us.

As I stare at the clear, double doors, I see my Rolls Royce parked a few feet from the entrance. I smile wide thankful for Joe and the guys. The doors open wide for us as photographers begin to click their cameras. Flashes blind us for a few seconds when the door to my Royce opens, I help Marie out of her wheel chair and into the car. With smiles bright, we wave goodbye at the press as we enter the car.

Emilio softly begins to cry. Marie shushes him gently kissing his cheek. I stroke his hair as he glances around the car. Joe laughs out from behind the wheel.

"This kids' an angel! Are you sure he's your kid!?" He shouts out laughingly.

Marie and I glance at each other before glaring at Joe.

"Just shut up and drive." We say in unison.

Joe shakes his head laughing as he speeds up. I kiss Marie's cheek and she smiles bright. She gazes at Emilio and brushes his black hair from his face.

"We made him..." She mutters in disbelief.

I kiss her cheek again making her smile small.

"You made him, satnin." I whisper stroking his cheek.

Emilio's bright, piercing eyes gaze at me. I chuckle and gently pinch his cheek. He yawns and looks back at Marie. She starts her baby talk with him. I chuckle shaking my head. I watch her the entire way home.

As Joe pulls in the the driveway, I distract Marie from all the cars parked along the driveway. She stares at me with a raised brow as I ask her if she'd like me to paint the nursery room.

"You? Paint? Ha." She says glancing down at a peacefully sleeping Emilio.

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"I can do it. Watch me. What color ya want it?" I ask her as she looks up at me again.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"Pink, what color do you think?" she laughs out.

I roll my eyes and howl out.

"Fine, but when the kid grows up and asks us why I painted his room pink it's all on you." I exclaim making her laugh out.

So Glad You're Mine (From the Future? Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now