Chapter 3: Wait a Minute

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• Marie's POV •

Friday September 2nd, 1964

I slip on my black hippie glasses as I step out of Graceland. Elvis holds the door for me with a serious face and follows right behind me. He holds his new favorite toy, a 1964, black, Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud III's door for me. I smile small and thank him as I sink in to the big leathery seats. As he starts the engine he smiles, I watch him happily as he drives toward the gate.

I'm astonished since he's taking me to the doctor. I'm surprised we've spent so much time together, compared to him and Priscilla. For a few minutes we smile for a few photographers and quickly head to the main road. Elvis glances at me with worried eyes and grabs my hand.

"You know, you didn't have to take me." I mutter glancing up at him.

He stares at the road with a blank expression.

"I love you and you're my wife. I care about you and everything you do." He sternly says.

I stare back at the road. He'll probably end up staying in the car and smoke a few cigars. As we make it to the doctors office, he drops me off right in front. Before getting out, I turn to him.

"I'll- I'll wait here." He stutters quietly staring at the steering wheel.

I nod and kiss his cheek. I understand. I get out and head inside. I feel Elvis' eyes watching me. I sign in and sit myself down, bored. I look around, it's barely been five minutes and I'm already bored. Thankfully, a nurse calls me. I sigh relieved and get up to follow her. With a smile she leads me to the doctor's office. I cringe as we pass by the examining rooms. Women are tortured in here.

The nurse stops in front of the doctors office, smiling. I smile back as she knocks on his door. The doctor's head pops out and lights up as he sees me.

"Ms. Herrera! Oh! I mean Mrs. Presley! Happy to see you darling!" He exclaims opening the door wide. The nurse leaves and the doctor hugs me. He takes me inside, chuckling to his seat.

"Is there a reason ya need me? Or did ya just want to stop by?" He joked.

I laugh softly and shake my head.

"No, I'm sorry Phil. I actually need you to find something out for me." I ask with my smiling dropping.

He lowers his glasses and raises an eyebrow.

"I need you to see if I'm fertile. Or however you call it."

Still with a raised brow he gets up and puts his hands behind his back.

"Well, I don't know in your time but in today's technology, all I can do is make ya take a few broad tests to make sure you can have a baby, sweety." He says in a serious tone.

"Anything please." I beg nodding.

He scratches his head, dumbfounded.

"You seemed healthy last checkup. I might as well just start you off with a urine test." He says pondering.

Oh. I don't want to be let down by a pregnancy test. I already know I'm not pregnant and probably won't be. He takes me to an available room with a bathroom and makes the nurse give me a cup. I sigh, annoyed. I might as well get it over with.

After my shame and pity. I sit in front of his desk glancing around. I just want to get to the rest of the tests already! I stare at the clock, realizing poor Elvis must be beyond bored in the car. I sigh over and over again, impatiently. The door finally creaks open. The doctor slides his black framed glasses on and plops down his large black chair. He lifts up my medical records and carefully reads them.

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