Chapter 11: Jacks power juice

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Altaïr P.O.V

When I arrived back at the pack house i was greeted by Xander, my best warrior and second best friend. He was talking with his mate, Julliett. "Altair, how is your mate? Julie wants to get a scoop for the Allied Packs online blog." Xander asked me and i sighed. "Shes good, right now she is with Jo. Ill mind link you later Julie with the rest. You will be the first one to know." I tell them and run into the pack house. 

As i look for Jackson i begin to think. How have i been this chill for this long? "Our mate is around you fool! Our primal instincts are telling us to remain cool and laid back so we can impress her. But if some fool tries to take her away from us then we will make the whole world crash down on his sorry butt." My wolf tells me and a low growl escapes me as he talks about someone taking her away from me. I barely know anything about her, yet, im acting as if she is the most valuable thing i have. Its new and strange for me, But as always, I carry on.

"There you are!" Jackson shouts at me from all the way across the kitchen. The floors are wooden and the drawers and cabinets are black. The counter top is some sort of dark granite with the white walls behind them. We have an Island with two sinks in it and at least 3 fridges full of food line the back wall. 3 ovens are implanted in the counter tops and there is plesnty of good light to go around. Three windows line the back wall, the large walk in entry brings light in from the dining room on the front side, then on the left side the large walk in entry brings in natural light from the living room. The right wall only has two windows.

"Jack, what do you know about the power pack lost beta thing that went on a little while ago?" I ask him and he begins to think. "Well it all started with a conspiracy that Demitiri brain washed someone in the beta family. Rumors spread around as it flowed from the beta male, to the beta female, and through their daughter Alex. When the rumors hit her she disappeared into thin air. No one knew exactly where she went. Some say that she went rouge to help Demitiri form another attack, some say that she killed herself because of the pressure, but most believe that her mate was a rouge so she killed him, and herself because of the shame." Jackson lectures me and i bite my tounge to hold back my growls. The thought of my mate hurting herself made me want to run to her, The thought of her going rouge made my alpha mode kick in. She wouldnt go rouge because she wouldnt make it to the border. "ALTAI- FUCKING-AIR!!" My wolf screams at me for the thought of having my mate tackled by another wolf. "How did you know all this?" I ask Jack and he sighs. "It was all over the interweb." "Interweb?" "shush and let me speak peasent." He said and i smirked and rolled my eyes. "Everyone was talking about it, some still are trying to crack the mystery of the missing beta. Hey, i like the sound of that. It would make for a good book on wattpad." He said as he looked off into nothingness. "Jack! Head in the game!!"  I shout at him and he waves me off. 

Looks like i used all of Jacks power and beta juice for now. At least i have some more information on how this whole thing began with my mate. The only problem is, is that i dont know exactly what happened to my mate. Looks like im off to the journalist to do some more work. But before i do that, maybe i should go check on my mate.


After Jo helped me clean up i thanked her and she went on her way. That was the most stressful thing of my life. "Well no duh! If it wasnt for our mates word we would have been freaking out! Your lucky i love you." My wolf told me and i mentally rolled my eyes at her. "If i die, you die. remember that." I tell her and she blocks me out. I look in the bathroom mirror at my reflection. My long brown hair is off in a side braid, my skin has some color back and my green eyes have that shine like they used to. But my body still has lots of wounds, bruises, and scars. "How did it get this bad? I dont remember all the beatings." I tell my wolf. "Thats because you blacked out for most of them." She tells me and i  nod. I lower my black, tight, tee shirt and buckle the belt around my jeans. I slide the sandles on my feet and leave the bathroom. 

When i walk out i can smell my mate immediately. I look over on the bed and he is sitting there, smiling at me. "Hey Alex, I wanted to stop by and check up on you." He said as he stood up. "Thank you." I mumble out at him and he furrows his eyebrows. "Whats wrong? Do you not like the room? The cloths?"He asks me and i shake my head. "No, it is all so lovely but im just not used to it." I tell him softly and he gives me a soft smile. "Thats good. Would you like to come and stay with me in the pack house?" He asked me and fear spikes through me. Pack houses mean other wolves and other wolves mean more people to laugh at me and beat me up. "Mate will protect us, have faith. Plus, girl, we are luna. No one would dare lay a hand on us." My wolf tells me and i sigh. "Let me get used to your company first, then we will focus on the other wolves." I tell him and he gives off a soft smile. "That i can live with."

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