chapter 5: a teddy bear in a fire

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Alex's p.o.v

A sting here.

A blunt pain there.

A piercing stab on my leg.


After multiple hours of torture, painful flashbacks, and emotional trauma they were finally done.  but only one thing broke me into a thousand pieces. the only that can break a beta female. "hey jace, why dont we take away her title?" jax offered and i could see a sinister smirk crawl onto jace's face. "thats by far, the best idea you have ever had dear brother." jace says as i take the long ceremonial  knife to my hand. "i, future alpha jace, hereby declar that you, beta female alex, an omega. a no good for nothing omega." and with those words, those heart wrenching words given in alpha command, my title was ripped away from me. it felt like a scared little girl getting the only teddy bear her father had given her, that teddy ripped away and thrown into the fire. i am the scared little girl, and that teddy was my title. the fire is the wrath inside jace and jax's eyes. the eyes that where once so caring, now have the fire of hell burning inside them.

"Boys!" I hear Gabe yell from the hallway. His foot steps grow louder and louder as the devil himself grows closer. "Yes!" Jace yells out as Gabrial comes into my view. I am covered in blood, tears, bruises and every other bodily fluid. "Alpha Altaïr is coming. I want that slut broken so she will obey our every command." Gabe said as tears rolled down my face. "Yes sir." Jax says and Gabe leaves the room.

"Now we are going to untie you. You will obey us or else we will bring you down here again." Jace says as he unties me. I nod as tears fall down my face. What happend to me. I should be stronger than this; the lack of sleep must be getting to me. or the fact that my title was stolen from me. The wolfsbane has blocked out my wolf and over powered her so she cant heal me. As the bindings were removed from my wrists i pulled them close to my body. "Now go upstairs and do some chores that luna lilly tells you too." Jax orders as he slaps me. I fall on the cement floor and scrape up my knees. "Get up whore!" Jace orders as he yanks me up. Jax shoves me out the door as i slowly walk out of the basement.  

with my title gone i have become compliant to ever command and i am forced to take the beatings given to me  by those over me. i slowly walk up the steps and into the pack house kitchen. luna lily leans against the counter and smirks at me. "clean the dishes, sweep the kitchen of any and all dust or dirt, then come back to me." she barks at me and i quickly get to work. as i scrub the dishes i try not to show any pain of the soap getting into my wrists or hands. how do omegas live like this? i swear if i ever get the chance to i will bring up the standered for how omegas are treated. no one deserves to be treated like this. 

after the dishes are compleated i walk over and grab the broom. i begin to sweep byt the movement of my shoulders and legs are killing me. the light brown scrap of cloth i was given to wear as a shirt is all bloodied and ripped. i hear some foot steps and i look towards the origin of the sound. i see alpha gabe walk in with a huge smile on his face. a sadistic smile. "i heard about what my boys have done to you, i must say. i am quite proud of them. they clearly did their studdies on the packs structure to know how to break a beta. or any wolf with rouge or beta blood." he said but i kept sweeping. i hear him walk closer to me and a stinging pain across my face follows soon after. my face swings to the right as i process that he slapped me. i fall to the ground and hold back the tears. "you missed a spot." he growled to me as he walked out. 

i cant wait for my mate to find me... if he ever does. 

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