After we were done eating I washed the plates too . He didn't complain about me doing it but kept on looking at me . I don't know if he wanted to say something because he kept on looking and now its creepy . I turn around to face him . Ready to ask him what he wanted but he was no where to be found . What ? Was I imagining him just behind me or was he truly there .

Something is wrong with me .

I walked out of the kitchen after keeping everything in place . " come here Eliza " I heard Cayden say from the living room I guess . I reached the source of voice and found Cayden sitting on the white carpet with CD's all around him . He looks cute with his nose scrunched up each time he doesn't approve a movie . I make my way towards him . " u called ? " I ask . " uh yeah listen what type of movies do you like watching . "

Will it be okay to say that I haven't ever watched any movie the whole of my life .

" um .. I don't know " I say . " oh come on its not like you haven't watched any movie the whole of your 19 years . " he says . I sit back quietly. After a minute or two his eyebrows raise up in an understanding manner . " WAIT . YOU HAVEN'T THE WHOLE OF YOUR LIFE . WATCHED A MOVIE . A MOVIE ? " I nod my head at that . He looks like he can't believe me . Obliviously it will be tough for him to believe me as he got to watch every latest movie the whole of his life .

 I just had other works to take care of . With my father , I prefer spending time with him rather than watching movies and after his death or murder I had a lot of things to take care of too. " its unbelievable ." he says still looking at me with wide eyes . After sometime he composes himself and starts to search back again . " okay so as you haven't watched any thing the whole of your life we will start with any movie ." he says while going near the TV to put on the CD he selected . " sit on the sofa . I will be right back ." he says before disappearing out of the room . I walk towards the sofa to sit on it . The movie starts but stops after a while . I just got to see the names on the blank screen and it stops . Cayden comes after some time with a big bowl of popcorns and a big Pepsi bottle with him . " the movie stopped . I don't know what happened but it just started " I say as he sits beside me . There was still some distance in between us that made me feel comfortable around him . " I putted a timer on it . Just wait I will start now ." he says smiling.

One thing if you ask me I noticed in him is that he never smirks like other boys do . He has that sweet nature that really is attractive . Smiling really suites him .

If only I knew movies are fun to watch I would've watched it before . Honestly its really fun watching movies with popcorns and a glass of Pepsi . Cayden is very funny too . He made fun of each man who he doesn't like and every handsome man was bad for him .

I was so tired sitting for this long . Cayden already passed out on the sofa . I made my way towards the TV to switch it off . Keeping the remote on the side table I picked up the empty popcorn bowl taking it to the kitchen . After everything done I made my way towards Cayden's room so that I can bring out the comforter . I hope he doesn't mind me going in his room but I don't have any other option . His room was as big as mine ( well temporarily mine . ) . The walls are white in here and the furniture is black in color the bed is also made and everything in the room seems clean too .

I pick the comforter kept on his bed and make my way outside . Cayden seems relaxed sleeping on the sofa . I open the comforter and spread it all over him . After that I make my way towards my room to sleep or do something else . I don't know if I can sleep again without getting any nightmares but what else I should do . Back then I took sleeping pills so that the nightmares stop but I don't have any pills here  . Maybe in the kitchen I can find one . Instead of going to my room I make my way to the kitchen . Searching in the cabins I didn't find anything so I checked in the fridge but found nothing . Signing at last I made my way towards my room . I can't sleep now . Thinking what I should be doing next I sit on the bed .

Should I take a shower or should I just go out to prepare for dinner . Yeah dinner will do .

I start making dinner and busy myself in it . After an hour Cayden also joins me in cooking and then we eat together as well . After everything done Cayden moves to go to his room when i stop him . " do you have any sleeping pills ." I ask finally . " why ? " he asks back with eye brows raised . Shit . Think something damn it think . " my doctor told me to take sleeping pills when I am not sleepy ." What the hell . This will be a joke on social media next time . Honestly , man why do I have to say this out of all the things. " oh I didn't know that we take sleeping pills to sleep ." he said in obvious sarcasm . " so do you have it ." I ask again . " is it because of the nightmares ? " ugh . Why ? Why does it have to be so clear and obvious in front of him . " yeah the nightmares also stay away . " I say impatiently wanting him to quit the topic already . " I have it but I can't give you without knowing that you already don't use it ." " I used it a lot of times you don't have to worry ." I say immediately . He nods his head and moves to go to his room . After a minute he comes out with a half used packet of the pills . I thank him and immediately make my way towards my room .

Taking shower at night is fun but today was tiring so I skip that and sleep immediately after taking the pills .  








She's DARK He's COLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن