"I've been promoted," he said excitedly.

"That's incredible!"

"I know! Seriously, the pay rise is going to be phenomenal, and I'm going to have all these people working for me,"

Whether they spoke of it or not, money was a sensitive subject in their marriage. Camila, despite not actually having a job, financed the majority of their lifestyle, and she sensed that he found this somewhat emasculating. It was typical that the idea of a pay rise was the first thing on his mind.

"Well, that's great, baby. I'm so proud,"

Her praise faltered a little, and he noticed.

"You don't sound happy,"

"I am happy!" she covered quickly, "I just worry that with you becoming so senior in the company that I'll see even less of you,"

"I doubt that," he chuckled, rubbing his hands gleefully, "In that position, I'll be able to pass work onto the people working for me, so you'll probably get to spend more time with me than ever,"

Suddenly, he launched forward and gathered Camila up into a hug. She squeaked in surprise, but reciprocated quickly. Burying her face in his neck, she tried to banish the nagging feeling that this promotion coinciding with a time so soon after their marriage was no coincidence. Ruben now presented the opportunity for an ideal alliance with Cabello Industries.

No. Ruben had got there on merit, she convinced herself, and the doubts were banished.

"Shall I get us some champagne?" he grinned.

"Why not!" she could hardly refuse the bright, childlike pride that filled his face.

He scampered off to the kitchen, and she heard the noise of a cork popping, and fizz filling a glass.

"Shall we get a takeaway?" he called from the other room, "Save us cooking?"

"Sure," she agreed, "That would be nice,"


"Sounds good,"

The telephone beeped as he picked it up, and dialled their nearest outlet. She tuned out of what he was saying once he began reeling off the order, and her attention turned elsewhere. Picking up her mobile phone, she scrolled through the long list of notifications crowding her screen. She swiped away the social media alerts, not in the mood to stare dismally at the lives of others; wondering if they were really as happy as they looked in all those pictures, and internally asking if she was that happy too.

In amongst all the rubbish, one notification caught her eye. An email... from no less than Jauregui Marketing Agency.

Curiosity overtook her, and she entered her email inbox, and opened it up. The email itself was short, explaining that Ally Brooke's new clothing line was looking for suitable celebrity endorsement, and that her profile fitted the requirements exactly, so it was hoped that she might be interested. Camila liked Ally Brooke immensely, and felt deeply pleased that she had been considered.

Excitement sparked in her veins, as she envisaged actually having a type of job, and doing something practical with her time. This could give her a new feeling of purpose!

It was as these thrilling thoughts flooded through, that she noticed that the email was signed off by L.M Jauregui.

So, the email did not just originate from JMA, but from Lauren's own office.

At first, this made her angry. And then, it confused her. This time last night, she had been preparing to head out to a chaotic meal with the very woman who was now politely informing her that she wished Camila to be a part of her latest business venture.

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