New Friends and Music

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" I copied him.

"So..." he trailed off.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"What! What makes you think I did something?" He defended himself. "I'm offended."

"Cam, what did you do." I stated.

"Ok so," he started. "I'm in a meeting right now and we are going over photoshoots."


"So short story, I mention a beautiful and amazing friend."

"Aww did you just call me beautiful." I tease him.

"Oh my, don't make me regret asking you if you wanted to do a photo shoot."

"I'd love to Cam." I smiled.

"Ok good, but it's tomorrow." He said. "Sorry for the late notice."

"It's fine." I assured him.

"Okay I'll send you the information on it see you tomorrow."

"Okay. Thanks for thinking of me."

"No problem." He said. "Ok I gotta go."

We said out goodbyes and I smiled as I put my phone in my pocket. This is what I want to do, focus on my career and stop thinking about the drama that comes up.

This photoshop could open up some doors for me and advance my career in music and modeling if I pursue modeling. I kept my smile on my face as I head towards the door to go back inside.

But before I could Heath one of the guys I meet when I came here spoke, "Why are you all smiley?" He said lighting his cigarette. I didn't even notice him come out here or him already out here when I walked out here.

"I'm just a happy person." I smiled and I started to open the door but he spoke again.

"Are you scared to have a conversation with me? Sit down." He laughed.

I laughed and sat down in the empty chair next to him.

"Tell me about yourself." He said sipping his drink.

"What would you like to know?"

"Just tell me about your self." He said.

"Uh, not that much to say." I answered.

"Okay fine, 21 questions?"

"Sure." I nod slightly.

"Okay I'll go first, where you from?" He asked.

"Omaha, but I lived in London for four years before I moved here." I answered.

"London?" He questioned.

"Yup, okay." I said quickly not wanting to explain why I lived in London. "Where are you from?"

"Florida, same with Zane." He answered. "Siblings?"

"Older brother. You?"

"Same, one older brother." He said taking a drag of his cigarette. "Boyfriend?"

I smiled a little and looked down. "No." I looked up at him. "Girlfriend?"

He smiled. "No." He continued to look at me. "Do y-"

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