Captured To Become A Vampire Princes's Bride {Book 2}: Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"How was your meeting with Queen Genevieve?" Asked Charlotte after taking a bite of her banana.

A nervous laugh left my body as I prepared to divulge the events of a few nights ago on our first and hopefully (but unlikely) last encounter. I set my spoon down neatly and clasped my hands together in front of me on the table. Not that the meeting was that dramatic, but it sure was tragic on my half.

After breakfast, we'd been instructed to stay in the room we were in and someone would come to take us on a tour, and then afterwards we were free to do what we wanted for a while. Later in the day, we'd have a meeting about what we'd do now we're here.

At the end of breakfast, a man in the same grey sweater and pants as us waited for us outside to show us around. The tour only lasted about half an hour, with our "guide" not bothering to actually take us down all of the hallways and instead, opted to point to them as he explained what was there. It didn't make much of a difference, and the little he did show us, looked almost identical to everything else. There was one area, not far from the entrance elevator, with all the leisure activities: there was a games room, gym, cinema room a computer lab and everything else to keep a normal person sane and stimulated. There was also a simulation room but we didn't get to go inside and he didn't explain what was in there, unfortunately.

With the tour finished, we came to a halt at the end of a corridor. The man told us we could now go where we wanted, except places that said no entry and then he left. I didn't have anything to do but everyone else did and they left me stood there. I couldn't go with Charlotte and Leandra because they had to organise alternative accommodation for the queen who hated it here and Leyton was going to assist Jayden who wanted to find something he could do; he hated being holed up like this, even for his safety.

Strolling down the same hallway I'd been abandoned at, I came across a training room, which had a panel of windows spanning its length. A flash of red stole the attention of my eyes and I caught sight of a ginger lady surrounded by four burly looking guys in the middle of a huge white mat: two with thick beards, two without, and all of them were as bald as the next. The woman looked minuscule surrounded by those giants, yet she already looked like a total badass and she hadn't even started fighting yet.

One of the bearded guys took a step towards her and before I even knew what happened, he was face down on the floor. She dodged a punch from the other bearded guy, grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him, literally using him as a shield to block the kick from the other baldy. I stood in awe as the fight continued for another five or so minutes until another guy, with a full head of hair that I hadn't even noticed stood at the side of the room, came forward and threw the ginger-haired lady a towel. That's when she turned to face me. Our eyes met immediately since I was already gawping at her and she appeared confused at first but then a friendly smile grew on her face.

She appeared right in front of me and held out her hand for me to shake, "I'm Gemini," she said. Her large yellow eyes almost didn't blink until I shook her hand.


"I know," she cut in, "everyone knows."

"I'm sorry, your highness, Cornelia can be a little too forward at times," the man with half from earlier showed up beside Gemini. He bowed to me ever so slightly, "if she or anyone bothers you, know that you can simply dismiss them."

"It's fine."

The man dismissed himself and Gemini turned to me and asked if I wanted to "learn some moves" and of course I answered yes. I could hardly throw a good punch.

I finally spoke up as we walked back into the room, "I thought your name was Gemini."

"It's a nickname I was given. I'm a professional con artist slash spy. The two usually go hand in hand for me. I got caught at the last minute trying to con my way into this fortress, then they hired me and now they train me since I'm so good. So since I usually have a fake personality, people started calling me Gemini as a joke. Sounds way better than Cornelia though." She explained.

Gemini pointed to a bench at the side of the room that was facing the training mat and stretched a little before calling over to one of the guys called 'Pulp' for some of his water. He was one of the bearded guys. Pulp took one last sip of his water and tossed it over to Gemini. While she drank, I focused on taking off my shoes and tying my hair up to keep it out of the way and then went to join her on the mat.

"Ever fought a vampire?" She asked, and I shook my head. "Have you ever fought?" Again, I shook my head at her question.

She sighed, but a smile was present on her face, all the same, her dimple stood out on her baby looking face. A babyface who was most likely older than me and could probably kick my ass more times than I'd like to count.

Gemini was eager to get into it, not wasting any time on basics, she wanted to teach me how to possibly stand a chance against a vampire, it wasn't impossible for a human. She said she hadn't encountered any that weren't maids and so had never had a conversation with one before- I was her first.

After half an hour I was already all sweaty and knackered, not used to this kind of training, but that's when I completely left my face in the open and Gemini's foot sent me spiralling to the floor. For a couple of seconds, I could hardly see or feel anything as I lay face down with my ass pointing in the air, looking like some kind of a frozen caterpillar mid-gut-slide. A caterpillar who was now in agony and making the most unattractive groaning noises.

Gemini was soon by my side and apologising frantically and she helped me to sit up properly. The right side of my face throbbed rhythmically as she worried about whether she'd be punished for hurting royalty. It felt like my face had completely caved in, and all the tears that I wanted to come out, had been kicked to the back of my head.

When she finally managed to pry my hands away from my smarting face, she grimaced and muttered: "that's going to bruise."

Helping me up, she told me she'd take me to the nurse's office for an ice pack, which luckily wasn't too far from this room because I felt like I needed to lay down.

Captured To Become A Vampire Prince's Bride {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now