Chapter 3

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The group began rushing to the Autobots, who got the notion to begin transforming.

I hung back, turning to Jetfire. "Be careful, Jetfire. Make sure to cloak your spark signature so you aren't found." I said to him, and he paused. "I will, fleshling." He said gruffly. "How do you know this much of us- our terms, our history?" He asked, and Bumblebee honked. I paused. "I can't tell you the whole thing... but the universe is not as small as you think." I said slyly, turning and jogging to Bumblebee's alternate mode.

"Who's the... Little lady?" Bumblebee asked in recordings through the speaker as we sped off, the mech wrapping a seatbelt around me. "Yeah... I never did get your name." Mikaela said, and Leo nodded in agreement beside me. I was lucky enough to get a door seat. "I'm Kayla Roberts." I replied, shrugging. "There isn't really much to know about me, besides the fact I'm from another dimension."

Leo paused. "Wait, so you're like, from a different reality?" He asked in shock. "Well, yeah... It's a reality where none of the Autobots or the Decepticons exist. You were mere fiction, a thought that came to be in someone's mind." I said with a chuckle. "I don't know why, though, out of all the transformers fangirls ranting, raving, and creating elaborate yet good fanfictions about how you came to be, your stories, what could or could not have happened, he chose me, a simple transformers fan who just writes and roleplays most of the time." I muttered, shrugging as the others briefly glanced at each other, clearly not having a clue either. Simmons had gotten to talking to his"CIA contact" about what the "Dagger's tip" was... which I obviously knew was the tip of the Gulf of Aqaba

"So, what was it like in your dimension?" Mikaela asked curiously, breaking the silence for a moment. "It was... odd. Everything was fictional and nothing like aliens or supernatural beings existed. I myself yearned for something more than just a life sitting behind a desk typing or animating. I wanted to meet my childhood heroes, which I should say are the Autobots." I replied as Simmons spoke up. "Okay, here's what my CIA contct says. Ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the'Dagger's Tip' "

"-That's the daggers tip." Sam hummed. "It's part of the Red Sea, and it divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. 29.5 degrees north, 35 east. Here it is." Simmons explained as he held a GPS. How the frag did he have that anyway?

"Okay, first thing we gotta do is get Optimus to the Dagger's tip." Sam said as I just leaned back and watched them. "How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?" Leo butted in, leaning forward a bit as Mikaela glanced to me for a brief moment.

"I'm gonna make a call." Sam replied. I flinched as a wailing siren sounded from the Egyptian police nearing the convoy of bright vehicles. I wasn't surprised about that. Who wouldn't recognize Sam's face now?

"Whoa!" Sam cried as they swerved, Leo panicking beside Mikaela. "I know, I know how you-" "I can't go to prison, guys!" Leo whined in fear

"Sam, we gotta get off this road and lay low!" Simmons said as they drove through the city. Bumblebee swerved out of sight, and the humans got out, rushing about as the bots transformed. I paused, watching with fascination, then I rushed off to the side and grabbed a saw, giving it to Mikaela and grabbing another for myself, covering my mouth and hair. The wailing of siren went by.

"Man, stupid cops." Skids snorted quietly. "This is what's called, blendin' in like a ninja." Mudflap added, and I rolled my eyes. "Shut up or I'll blend mah' fist in your face!" Skids retorted.

"They're gone." Mikaela whispered as I nodded in agreement. Not even 40 minutes into this damn universe and I have the workout of my life. Primus, I should have taken Athletics in my Freshman year...

Sam spoke up. "Okay, we're running out of time... I gotta make a call to Lennox." He said to Simmons, who scoffed as I hoisted myself up onto the ledge they were on. I laid back a bit and let them converse, not really fond of the time difference of this universe.... I can't believe I am almost 8 years ahead of my current time... I wonder if this dimension has a version of me... if so, I'd be, like, 8 now. Yes, I'm 15. Get over it

Narrowing his eyes, Simmons began to tread a different direction. "You're on the Worldwide wanted list! Try calling one base, and they'll track you here in seconds." He hissed, turning back and gesturing to the stone city around them. "CIA is all over this place!"

I decided to take part of the conversation and steal Sam's line for this part. "You're gonna call them." I said bluntly as Sam gave me a weird look, like he was saying: "I don't know who you are and how you know what I'm going to say but don't do that again."

I just shrugged, and Simmons turned turned to me as he threw his hands up and looked around. I could tell he wanted to protest but I gave him a look. "Okay." He huffed, smiling sarcastically. "That's a good idea." He finally admitted.

"Alright." Samuel hummed. "I mean I just had my mind on other things," He said, gesturing wildly and going one way, but we gestured him to go another and he turned quickly. "like winding up in Egyptian prison.

 "like winding up in Egyptian prison

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Lennox's P.O.V

It was quite unnerving how the man, Galloway, treated the Autobots so poorly despite them wanting to help our planet. Sweat dripped down my brow as I directed the N.E.S.T Soldiers to their respective planes or vehicles, and watched as a trailer with a net covering the Autobot alternate modes drove by to load them into C-17s.

"N.E.S.T Departure, 2100 Hours." a male voice on the speakers said. I shook my head as I strolled with Epps, my best friend and brother-in-arms.

"So we're shipping them back to base." I sighed angrily to him as I strolled towards where some soldiers were gathered, oddly silent.. "This is such a mistake..."

My heart sunk as my gaze caught the familiar red and blue lifeless form of Optimus Prime be loaded into the back of another C-17. Guilt tinged at my chest and I kept my face straight as I stopped myself, watching quietly with Epps. I hadn't known the metal titan for too long, but I knew he had a good heart. He didn't deserve the death he had gotten.

"Major Lennox!" A man called for me, and I turned abruptly with Epps, meeting eyes for a brief moment and looking at the stranger. "Phone call!" I nodded, moving to get the phone quickly.

"Lennox, I'm with the kid. The kid. You know, the one with the attitude, right?" an unwelcome familiar voice said. I knew it was the former Sector Seven agent, Simmons, I believe his name was. He was talking about Witwicky." We need the truck. The truck." He repeated. Optimus, I decrypted. "We got a possible resurrection going on over here. Code Tut, as in King Tutankhamen. Back of a one dollar bill." What the hell? How did they get all the way over to Egypt in a day? And how could they revive Optimus? I kept my mouth shut as the agent continued. "Coordinates for airdrop: 29.5 North, 34.88 East. Write id down, write it."

I could hear commotion going on in the background as he said, "Oh my god... I gotta go, okay? Heat comes." Then, the line went dead, and I took out my wallet that had a few business cards. "Epps, You have a pen?" I asked Epps, who still lingered by. He hummed. "Yeah, here." He handed me a a pen and I began scribbling the coordinates down.

"What was that about?" He asked, watching me with an arched eyebrow. I shook my head. "It was about Sam.... he's in Egypt somehow, and he needs Optimus airdropped with the Autobots so he can... resurrect him, I think." I replied, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"I hope this kid knows what he's doing." Epps muttered.

"This is gonna be a long day."

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