Chapter 2

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Previously on the Misadventures of an Overly Obsessed Transformers Fan:

"I told you I was opening a space bridge! It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt!" Jetfire exclaimed. "What?! What did you tell us- You didn't tell us anything! Why are we in Egypt?!" Sam yelled angrily, and I sighed, rubbing my head. This was going to be a long day...

 This was going to be a long day

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Kayla's P.O.V

"Don't you get snippy with me, fleshling!" Jetfire shot back as he sat back on his arse. "You were duly informed!" Sam breathed in in exasperation. "Can you stop for a second, can you focus, can you you tell us why she-" He pointed to me, making the mech's gaze turn to me, who was just watching casually. "is here, and why we are in Egypt so we can all have a little assemblance and peace of mind?!" He asked as Simmons waved his finger back in forth in agreement exaggeratedly.

"I don't think it was him who brought me here." I repeated to Sam with a shrug. He frowned. "What do you mean?" I moved, hand grasping under my shirt and lifting up the shard look-alike. Sam gasped softly. "Another shard..." He murmured, Jetfire pausing. "So that's why I'm getting Allspark readings from around here..." He mumbled.

"Anyway, your planet was visited by our race once before, by our earliest ancestors millennium ago! They were on an exploratory mission to harvest energon, the lifeblood of our race." I could almost practically hear the background music, to Jetfire's explanation. "Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust, like my wretched self! Do you have any idea what it's like to slowly fall apart and die?!" He yelled angrily as parts fell off of him, making me wince, but say nothing.

"Let's not get episodic, okay, old timer?" Simmons muttered. "Beginning. Middle. End. Facts. Details. Condense. Plot. Tell it." Simmons said simply, smacking his fist in his hands and making gestures that I couldn't help but quietly snicker at.

"Somewhere, buried within this desert, our ancestors built a great machine." Jetfire began as I paced, knowing and mouthing to his every word. What? I watched the movie a lot! "It harvests energon... by destroying suns."

"Destroying suns?!" Sams repeated to confirm what Jetfire said. "You mean, blow em' up?!" Leo asked stupidly, making me roll my eyes at him. "Yes. You see, in the beginning there were seven primes-" I suddenly cut in. "Actually, there were thirteen originally." I said politely, not wanting to aggravate him. "How could you know that?" Jetfire asked in retort. "I am not from this dimension. I am from another one where neither Autobots or Decepticons exist." I began. "The thirteen primes were Prima, Megatronus, Alpha Trion, Vector Prime, Nexus Prime, Solus Prime, Liege Maximo, Alchemist Prime, Amalgamous Prime, Onyx Prime, Micronus Prime, Quintus Prime, and Thirteen." I listed from the top of my head, earning incredulous looks from the humans, and a taken aback look from Jetfire.

"Then again, Solus died from Megatronus killing her, Thirteen was reborn into Orion Pax, Micronus, Leige Maximo, and Quintus died and went into the well... and Megatronus became The Fallen... leaving only the other 7... if my idea of this timeline is right. " I ranted, deep in thought.

Jetfire stared at me quietly, making me uncomfortable. He vented out and continued. "They were our original leaders. They set out into the universe seeking distant suns to harvest. The primes set out one rule. Never destroy a planet with life... Until one of them tried to defy this rule. And his name forevermore was... The Fallen." Jetfire lifted his servo and projected an image of the oh-so-ugly looking fallen, making me raise an eyebrow.

"The Fallen despised the human race, and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine. The only way to activate it is with a legendary Key, called the Matrix of Leadership." Jetfire paused as I played the song "The Touch" By Stan Bush as he mentioned the object. I nodded my head to the beat as the song played, internally wheezing with laughter as Jetfire gave me a dirty look. Did I mention I had my phone? I have no clue how I didn't loose it in the midst of all of this chaos.

"Will you turn that wretched thing off so I can continue?" Jetfire asked snidely. Well... he had a right to. "But it's the song when the Matrix is mentioned!" I exclaimed, eyes wide as the song continued to play. I could hear Sam beginning to snicker, but got quiet when Mikaela elbowed him in the ribs.

I finally huffed in exasperation, then turned off the music, letting the old mech continue. "A great battle took place over possession of the matrix... The Fallen was stronger than his brothers, so they had no choice but to steal and hide it from them. In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to seal the matrix away in a tomb... made of their very own bodies... a tomb we cannot find." Jetfire concluded as I looked up at him quietly. "Somewhere, buried in this desert, that deadly machine remains. The Fallen knows where it is, and if HE finds the tomb of the Primes... your world will be no more." He explained, and I looked to Mikaela as she spoke.

"Okay, so how do we stop him...?" She asked quietly, and Jetfire looked up. "Only a Prime can defeat The Fallen." Jetfire replied, and Sam finally spoke up.

"Optimus Prime?" Sam asked, making Jetfire lean down and gaze at him in shock. "So you've met a Prime?" He breathed. "He must have been a great descendant... Is he alive? Here? On this planet?" Jetfire asked somewhat excitedly, elated to hear the news. I winced, my gaze falling to the dirt below my matte grey and teal Under Armor tennis shoes with neon pink laces.

"He sacrificed himself to save me." Sam said gravely, looking up at Jefire. "So he's dead..." He said softly. "Without a Prime, it's impossible. No one else could stop The Fallen."

Sam paused. "So if the same energy that's gonna be used to reactivate the machine... could that energy somehow be used to reactivate Optimus and bring him back to life?" He asked the Blackbird transformer. "It was never designed for that purpose, but it's an energy like no other..." Jetfire replied as I hummed.

"So then how do you get us to the matrix before the Decepticons get to m- us." He asked, glancing to me as I watched their conversation quietly. "Follow your mind, your map! Your symbols! What you carved in the sand is your clue! Get the girl to help you solve it! When dawn alights the dagger's tip, three kings will reveal the doorway! Find the doorway!" He said, and I mouthed along to his words as he slammed his cane forward. "Go now, go! That was my mission, now it's you both's mission now! Go before the decepticons find me and find you!" Jetfire cried.

Aaaaaaannnd done! Cliffanger huh? You're probably wondering when Kayla will make a "drastic change" to the movie, or when Jasmine will come in. Patience is a virtue, darling.

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