40. the one where they're (not) stayin' alive

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"Did Anxiety fall?" Thomas called from the other side of the lake.

The others started laughing a bit at the situation, fulling expecting to see a saturated Anxiety pop up at any minute. Any second now. Soon. Right about no-

"He's not coming up," Prince muttered to himself, and then the realisation truly sunk in. "He's not coming up!" he cried out. Suddenly he was spurred into action, completely forgetting about anything and everything that wasn't the fact that Anxiety isn't coming up oh god what if he's dead why isn't he resurfacing where is he what's happening.

He ignored the pounding in his head as he swam as fast as he could, leaving Morality behind, only thinking that he was too far away he's never going to make Anxiety's going to drown if he doesn't hurry up.

And it was true. He was too far away to make it in time, the floatie that marked where Anxiety was drifting further and further away and this lake was deep, whether it looked like it or not. But still, he kept surging forward.

As his limbs pounded the water, a voice crawled inside his head. "And don't forget, this was your idea."

Roman knew with a horrified realisation that if Anxiety died, it would be his fault. He shook his head, trying desperately to forget it, to ignore it, and continued on.

He soon became aware of a figure diving down where Anxiety was, and for a split second, Roman thought it was the darker side, finally remerging. But then he became painfully aware of the panicked "Anxiety, just hold on!" and it clicked. Logan.

Prince kept swimming as he saw a spluttering and gasping Logic haul Anxiety up, using the floatie to catch his breath. He kept on swimming, even as the other kicked them both to the shore. Roman wouldn't stop until he knew Anxiety was okay.

Logan was freaking out. He kept on calling Anxiety's name, but to no avail. He coughed and struggled to breathe as he dragged Anxiety onto the land, onto the safe, safe grass. His limbs felt weighed down and exhausted but the fight wasn't over yet. Especially since Anxiety wasn't moving, wasn't coughing up water like he was supposed to. Logan flailed for the right thing to do for a moment until his brain sorted itself out enough to remind him that what he needed to do was CPR, not panic. He couldn't let illogicalness to get the best of him when a fellow side needed him.

Logan shook his shoulder, and loudly asked if he could respond. Anxiety gave no sign that he heard. So he started on the next bit. He opened Anxiety's mouth and, upon not seeing anything blocking his airway, he checked his breathing. Logan's heart (metaphorically) stopped. Anxiety's chest wasn't moving. With a gulp, Logic cleared his head and started on compressions, placing his hands firmly on Anxiety and pushing up and down, his mind playing "Stayin' Alive" and god, he had never hated that song more than now. He counted in his head.

'27, 28, 29, 30.'

He took a deep breath, psyching himself up, and then he leant down, tilting Anxiety's head back and pinching his nostrils. Then his lips sealed Anxiety's as he breathed out for a short second. He waited for what seemed like an eternity though was in fact only a second or two.

Anxiety's chest rose.

Not allowing himself to celebrate his victory yet, Logan gave another rescue breath and started the compressions again. He soon became aware of the others around him, sobbing. But that wasn't important now.

'28, 29, 30.' Logan reached down to give another rescue breath. As he went for the second, Anxiety suddenly spluttered and coughing, water dribbling down his chin.

"Anxiety!" Roman called, falling to his knees and hugging him awkwardly. Morality and Thomas stood back, letting themselves breathe out with relief.

Anxiety blearily blinked, trying to orientate himself. When he was conscious enough to comprehend everything, he spoke. "M-my first kiss was cranky-face. Ugh," he muttered weakly, drawing small, broken chuckles from the group.

"I have to say, that was one of your worst insults yet," Logan breathed out, falling back onto his hands and wiping his hair away from his eyes.

"I almost d-d-drowned, I think I'm entitled-" Anxiety coughed violently, startling the others. Prince helped Anxiety sit up, rubbing his back.

"Anxiety, I think it's best if you don't speak," Morality said, wrapping him in a dry towel.

Thomas nodded. "At least you're safe."

"Well," Logic hesitated as everyone whipped their heads towards him. "There's this thing called 'secondary drowning'. If enough water got into his lungs..." He trailed off, but the others understood him perfectly.

"What?! Do we take him to hospital?" Prince shouted, fretting.

"Is he going to die?" Morality covered Anxiety's ears as he looked up, fearful.

"What can we do?" Thomas asked, pacing.

Anxiety remained shock-still throughout this, trying not to think about the 'what ifs'.

"Okay, first of all, there's a 72 hour wait before we know he's safe for sure, but, there are symptoms of secondary drowning we can look for over the next few days. And we can't exactly take him to hospital, considering..." Logic looked at all of them pointedly. "If we have to, we will, but secondary drowning is quite rare."

Everyone calmed down minutely. Prince helped Anxiety to the car, as the side was too weak to sink down, and the others started packing up, a little shaken and still extremely worried, but okay for now. They just had to keep an eye on Anxiety for a while, nothing else, right?


A/N Interesting (or morbid, however you want to class it) fact: there are two songs that match the 100-beats-per-minute for compressions and they are "Stayin' Alive" and "Another One Bites the Dust".

I feel like this chapter was a bit rushed (it was). To those who want ~more angst~ it's cominggg.

Almost everyone said "Prince knocks over Anxiety's floatie" wow do you really think so low of him?? (I was TEMPTED.) And I believe EVERYONE said "drowning" so well done, but for MOST accurate (with extra detail and stuff) it'd have to be:

@Katelyn_Hufflepuff (part of it wasn't explicitly mentioned because it can be a sensitive topic, but that was the implication I was aiming for.)


@_Just_A_Lost_Girl_ (yes the jealousy part will become more apparent later, but I don't think that they'd care too much about Logic giving mouth-to-mouth as long as Anxiety is alive.)

(if it doesn't tag right, then blame mobile. sorry this is a few hours late againnnn.)

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