(BGM) User Error - High School AU - Luke

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First and foremost, thanks for 1k!

I should probably do an Ashton next huh? And a DDM so I guess an Ashton DDM is next which means it has to be that apocalypse one which means it's going to be a DDM/BGM sooo someone pick a BGM boy that isn't Ashton but is in 5SOS

I tend to write the boys as super confident and dominant in these things, so I'm trying to tone it down and do a nice Soft!Luke

"This is too hard," you ripped the guitar strap from your shoulder and standing up. You groaned in frustration and placed your new instrument back on it's stand.

"Y/N, SWEETIE CAN YOU COME HERE?" Your Mom yelled from the kitchen.

You sighed and gave your guitar one last spiteful look before heading down the stairs. You couldn't help but frown at how much of a failure you felt you were while on the short walk from your study room to the kitchen. You had always wanted to learn to play the guitar, and you were excellent at guitar hero. You had worked so hard to save up and buy a nice new acoustic but you just couldn't figure out how to play it. It had been weeks and yet you had made almost no progress. It was a real blow to your self-esteem.

"Yeah Mom?" You asked glumly when you finally made it in.

You knew something was up as soon as you saw all of the food set out, it was just the three of you and you had no need for an entire watermelon, several family sized bags of chips, a veggie plate, half a dozen bags of buns, and then an entire plate of uncooked barbecue.

You looked at your mother questioningly, only to widen your eyes. She was dressed up in a nice sundress and had her hair pulled back while she began to slice the watermelon.

"Go clean up Y/N, the Hemmings are coming over for a barbecue tonight," she smiled.

You looked over at your father who was seasoning some steaks and he nodded, "they'll be here in a few hours for dinner."

"What?! Why did nobody tell me?" Your bad mood created from your lack of musical prowess only got worse. You didn't actually mind the Hemmings at all; Mrs. Hemmings was your mother's friend and had helped you with math before; Mr. Hemmings and your father often got together to watch various sports games on the television; the two older sons, Ben and Jack, were always funny and nice; and Luke, who was in your grade, was always polite, albeit quiet. You were more upset that they had clearly planned this and expressly not told you. How rude.

"Because then you'd complain and stress out," your mother tutted while beginning to plate the watermelon slices.

"No I wouldn't," you huffed and crossed your arms. That was a lie, if you knew that people were coming over you wouldn't stress you'd just say you were sick and hide out in your room, or even better, leave.

"Well cheer up because they're coming, all five," your father sent you a warning look that basically told you to stop complaining.

"Oh that reminds me," your mother put down the fruit to look at you excitedly, "I mentioned to Liz that you had just bought a guitar and she said that Luke plays too! Maybe you could ask him for advice."

Your face scrunched up a little, "yeah, Luke is nice and all but I don't think I'd ask him for help."

"Why not? Aren't you friends?" Your father asked innocently. But there was something about this avenue of conversation you didn't like. Maybe it was the small smile on his face or the kind of radiating excitement coming off of your mother. Something told you that this was about more than just a barbecue.

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