Chapter 14: Fight To The Death

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I whipped around and screamed.

“Jace watch out!”

But it was too late. I felt the man grab my arms. The vampire disguised as Jace’s mother was already on him. Jace was taken by surprise and the vampire had him trapped. I stared in horror as the vampire bent down and bit into Jace’s neck and began to suck out the blood.

“Jace!” I screamed. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there watching it happen and not being able to help.

When the vampire stood up Jace was lying as still as a stone. I glared at the vampire. All I could think about was one thing. Revenge. I used all my strength and pushed my arms apart and flipped the man holding me onto his back. He groaned in pain. I punched him in the face and the stomach. His screams were music to my ears. At this point I heard a yell and the other vampire ran towards me. I stood up to confront her. As she lunged at me I whipped to one side and she crashed, face-first, into the ground. She was knocked out cold. I focused my attention back to the man. He had now managed to stand up. His nose was bleeding and his face was covered in bruises. As I looked at him he seemed to grow in strength. His bleeding stopped and his bruises cleared up. I gaped at him. How could I defeat someone that could re-generate themselves. I looked back quickly to the other vampire. She had a long dagger tucked into her pants. I ran towards her and reached down to get it but something grabbed my arm and squeezed. I felt the blood being cut off. She had now woken up again and was holding my arm, preventing me from reaching the dagger. She let go of my arm and rolled me over to my back. We struggled with each other while I tried to get to the dagger. As we wrestled I wondered where the man was. I saw him standing over Jace. I guess he wanted his share of blood. A that moment I felt the vampire I was wrestling with resist and I saw my chance.

I escaped from the attack she had me in and managed to grab the dagger. I stabbed it through her heart and she stopped, her face wearing a look of utter pain. She screamed and her mouth folded back against itself. She began to disappear until she was gone apart from one thing. On the ground lay a necklace with a pair of golden vampire fangs attached to it. I picked it up and put it on me, I was suddenly filled with new strength. I felt like I could take on a thousand vampires. A shadow fell over me and I looked up and saw the man standing over me. Blood dripping from his mouth. He had realised I had killed the other vampire and he wanted revenge. I stared into his eyes. It was like staring into a nightmare. Shadows of horrible things danced around inside them. People being murdered, blood and fangs. I looked away from his eyes and started to pull the dagger back out of the other vampire. I twisted round and rolled away just as the vampire plunged down his immense hand, it crashed into the concrete. He cursed at himself and turned to where I was. I stood up and prepared to take him on. I quickly glanced at Jace, he was still lying as still as a stone. The wind was blown out of my body as he crashed into me. I hit my head on the concrete.

“Enough!” I screamed. I stood up and faced him. “You’ve knocked out my best friend and kidnapped his mother. Now it’s my time.” I ran towards him with the dagger at the ready. He swung his big arm but I ducked and darted out of the way. This was my chance. I stabbed him in the heart, over and over until I knew he wouldn’t be able to come back. As he died he muttered two words; “Be prepared.”

I threw the dagger away and ran towards Jace. I knelt down and shook him. “Jace! Jace don’t leave me!” I felt his pulse, nothing. “Jace! Jace, please!” I kissed him and laid my head on his shoulder. “Jace, Jace I love you.” I cried, long and hard.

Then I felt a hand on my back. “I love you too.”

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