Chapter 4: Uncovered

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She tackles me to the ground and tries to bite me but I shove her out of the way. I stand quickly back up and find a weapon to use against her. I grab a candelabra and tear the candles off it bearing the sharp spikes.

“What are you?” I ask.

“Don’t you know?” She asks in a raspy voice.

“N-no,” I stammer.

“I’m a vampire sent from the underworld to kill people like you.”

 “What are you talking about?” I ask her as we walk around in a circle.

“Are you telling me you don’t know what you are,” she says.

“Well, I’m a  human. I already know that.”

“Oh deary, not that. You’re something much more than just an ordinary human.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You can see things that other people can’t.”

I think back to all of the times I’ve seen things. Like when I was playing in the playground at kindergarten and I see a hooded figure walking across the field.

“What is that?” I asked Avalon.

“What’s what?” She replied.

“Over there,” I said pointing to the figure but then as she looked it disappeared. I had always remembered that. It haunted me for ever. I was snapped back to the present. I still stared in disbelief.

“Ahhhh. Now you know don’t you.”

Ok, now I was getting angry. “I don’t believe you!” I scream. I lunge toward her with the candelabra in front of me. She was taken by surprise.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!” She screams in pain.

I stare down. The middle candelabra spike had been dug into her heart.

“NO, NO!” She screams. “This isn’t right! I can’t die, I can’t.”

I watched as she changed back into her real self. She breathed her last breath then fell to the ground. She was no more. I held the candelabra in my hand.

“No, no.” I stammer, not believing that I killed her. I threw it to the ground and ran out of the room. I ran into the main hallway where a mass of people were standing. I stared at them and they stared back, cold and hard. I run out of the main door and down the driveway into the street. I look around me. Everywhere I look are monsters. I hold my head in my hands and start to cry.

“I’m going crazy,” I say to myself. I look back up and blink. They wouldn’t go away. Then I fall to the ground. I feel dizzy, sick. I spew right there on the pavement. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up to the sound of gentle breathing. An elderly man and woman stand above me, looking worried.

“Oh! John, John, she’s awake!” the elderly lady says grabbing the man’s arm.

They walk backwards giving me some space. I sit up and let my brain register where I am. I’m lying on a soft cushy bed with a thick woolen blanket. Around me there’s a small table with chairs and an old stone oven. The man stands over a small sink letting the turned on water pour into a small glass cup. He walks toward me hands outstretched to give me the cup.

“Thank you,” I say taking the cup from him.

He gently bows his head and steps back. I take a few sips and close my eyes. The cool liquid sooths my throat.

“Ugh,” I say clutching my head in my hands. Dropping the glass on the floor. “Sorry,” I say weakly.

“Oh, that’s no problem,” the old lady says.

“I think I need to lie down,” I say. I rest my head on the soft pillow that lay on the bed. I close my eyes and fall asleep once again.

When I wake up there’s no one above me.

“John!” I call.

Not knowing the lady’s name I don’t call her. I get out of bed feeling much better then last time. I walk into the small kitchen and scan the whole house. When I come to what looks like their bedroom. I see that the door is closed. They must be still sleeping I say. I thought I should make myself familiar with my surroundings. I go out the door and instead of seeing houses and streets I see a bare plain landscape. A tumbleweed rolls past. There is no civilisation anywhere. A small tin battered letterbox stands on a short wooden pole. I walk up to it and look inside. A newspaper is stuffed inside. I pull it out and stare at the headline.

Whole orphanage murdered by unknown thing

I run back into the house and to the bedroom.

“John! John!” I scream.

There was no answer. I try the doorknob but it wouldn’t open. I grab a chair from the kitchen and ram it into the door. The door falls to the ground broken off it’s hinges. The room is dark and damp smelling. I can see two small lumps under the covers in the bed. I run to the curtains and yank them open. I look back to the bed and the sight that awaits me is the most terrifying one I have seen.

Lying in their bed were the two elderly people. But the horror of it was that they were dead. Just like the my mother and the boy at the orphanage and all of the rest as well now.

“How could this have happened,” I said out loud. And then I remembered distant voices from when I was asleep.

“NO! NO!” I heard faintly. Then there was silence and that’s when I woke up. How could I have been so blind. I just thought it was a dream I was having but I wasn’t even asleep, just in a faraway place.

I went back into the lounge and fell to my knees crying. I had to leave and find civilisation. But what would happen to me when I get there. Where would I stay, what would I do. I decided I would just leave it to chance. I stood back up and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. I had had enough of all of this. All people dear to me died in the hands of whatever monster this is. It was time for revenge. I pulled open the door and started off down the road.

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